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We want to hear from our amazing patrons! How should we change or improve our patron content in 2023?

This short survey will help us better shape our show content for you.

It takes about 2 minutes to complete the survey and 10 random patrons who complete this survey will win a free Cog Dis T-shirt.

Thank you in advance for your valuable input - you fucking rock!


Cognitive Dissonance Patron Survey 2023

We want to hear from our amazing patrons! How should we change our patron content in 2023? This short survey will help us better shape our show content for you. It takes about 2 minutes to complete the survey and 10 random patrons who complete this survey will win a free Cog Dis T-shirt.


Andrew Lindsay

More IAN!!!* . . . . . . . Insightful Australian News


Honestly the work that you 4 do (Ian and Sara/Sarah included) is enough to want to throw a few dollars at the show, but the personalities that have built up over time with Tom being the gruff anti-technology guy and Cecil being the larpy nerdy type while also somehow shunning modern nerd culture type make the show for me. Letting those personalities shine a little brighter would be a plus for me, but may not work as well for new listeners. Maybe not as much as Eli with their deep podcast lore of the inside out little girl and the Wooldasher-mizzel, but some running in jokes would be nice.


No *you* fucking rock. I love the bit of extra comedy and weirdness. Dark humor is kind of how I cope. Definitely appreciated.

Nick from CA

I love what your doing and I have come to love the show more over the years. I have been listening for a decade this October (2023). I do like the way you two have shifted the way you make fun of religion compared to the “long black cock era.” As a skeptical agnostic atheist, I am with you on your points about religion. But, the jokes have become more about the beliefs and the right-wing hucksters themselves and less about being vulgar about the characters in the “holy” books (or their practitioners with the calls to prayer). I enjoy the “new” (last 6 years) approach to this. I have also enjoyed the show becoming more political, but that is likely because I am very strongly aligned with your political beliefs. My only suggestion: When you do book reviews, maybe give a bit more overview of the content before you review it.

Ricky Burnett

I missed a chance to add this comment in the survey. But I’d love hear some Ian weird story specials.


I love the show, it’s always high quality and good content. The only thing I’m not crazy about is the Gary voice. It just goes right through me for some reason