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Thank you to Aaron Rabinowitz for joining today. Make sure to go check out Aaron's podcast here:





Jay Voigt

It's not very often (in fact, I can't remember another time this happened) that I felt so viscerally opposed to something on your podcast. The notion that we should be tip-toeing through the tulips with idiots, assholes, fascists and zealots is utter insanity. Mockery absolutely has a place as a tool to for exposing the lunacy of religion/conspiratorial thinking, etc... I think Aaron has lost the thread in this instance. Exposing someone's bad ideas and inspiring change that benefits the individual and society as a whole IS compassionate. Religion is ugly, conspiracy theories are ugly, racism, xenophobia, fascism, the violent thoughts, ideas and actions inspired by these things are ugly. I don't think we're going to reach people who are predisposed to such ugly, violent, evil ideology by holding their hand, stroking their hair and treating them like they're innocent bystanders, they're just fucking not. I was once a Bible-banging, Fox News-watching, Tea Party-joining PoS and I can tell you from my experience the biggest factor in getting me to change my mind was the embarrassment and shame I felt when I realized how utterly asinine my world view was. End of rant.

Jay Voigt

Yes, they did. But apparently YouTube is being run by idiots, so it can't be used for anything other than that which Big Brother decrees is allowed.

Mathew Ahrens

Aaron Rabinowitz stated that he hosts Philosophers in Space with Callie Wright. What happened to Thomas Smith? Is this fallout from the Andrew Torres revelation?


I completely agree. There is no tolerating the intolerant. If you don't mind my asking, what brought about your realization? I'm interested in how people deconvert so that we can get a better idea of how to do it. I think that if we can get enough people to come to rationality, the fascism thing might become a non-issue because I don't think that fascism and rationality are compatible.

Jay Voigt

In my case it was education, college in particular. I was raised in a right-wing evangelical bubble and was exposed to very little information from outside that bubble until I got to college. I discovered that I was very interested in science, and it didn't take long for me to see the glaring conflicts between Christianity and biology, astrophysics, etc... My literal cognitive dissonance increased to a level where I had to choose between reality and a magical sky wizard and I went with the option with facts, evidence and reality on its side.


I agree, it's a tough position to take; I can respect it even though I don't entirely agree. I think there is a difference between the masses that feed on disinformation and the grifters feeding it to them, even if they believe their own bullshit. I'm sure giving Alex Jones the benefit of the doubt wasn't a major factor in his court cases. I think ridicule is an option, best applied to bad ideas rather than people (although, most people can't separate themselves from their ideology). Sometimes a precisely placed response can shoot an asshole down, e.g: I was attacked by the office conservative for making a comment about Cosby the rapist. He literally leaped from his desk to land inches from me to defend Cosby. He hurled a flood of arguments (they're after money, wanna harming Cosby, attention seekers, etc, etc) to overwhelm me, brought up Duke Lacrosse (as if they're related), and all the usual rape culture tactics in the loudest voice he could to shame me in front of the entire office. When he finished, instead of responding to his screed, I said, "I don't know about any of that, but Cosby did admit to everything in his deposition." The shitwit just fell silent. He mumbled. "I don't know about that," as she slunk back to his desk. No shit, Sherlock. No apology, of course, conservatives never apologize for being assholes. I don't resort to attacking someone immediately, but when shit like that happens, there's no reason it can't be used.


Someone put on their Dad Voice in this intro lol.

Matthew from Talking About the Big Stuff Podcast

My atheist group's YT video of Dr. David Gorski of sciencebasedmedicine.org was taken down for misinformation. The topic was "Debunking AntiVax Myths." Supposedly a human reviewed it after I challenged it and still said it was misinformation. I may have sent a profanity laden tirade telling them THEY were the ones hurting the world by being too stupid to tell the difference.

Matthew from Talking About the Big Stuff Podcast

I want the audio for this episode, just to chop up all the clips that can be used to blackmail my beloved cult leader. So many things to take out of context . . . .

Jason Fehlauer

I think if we could somehow cut the bad actors, grifters, and conspiracy-mongers off from any influence over others, they’d suffer. The question is, would that be enough suffering for justice?


Catching up… so sorry to hear Tom’s got the ‘Rona! Am hoping that as I come forward in time, he and the fam are feeling better.