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Budget officials tell Republicans what they don’t want to hear

An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own ‘Severe’ Symptoms.

Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after Florida governor calls war a "territorial dispute" - CBS News

"I need a woman who looks like she got punched": Republicans become more openly pro-abuse | Salon.com



Diego Guzmán

As a senior UX designer, I wouldn't be surprised if this is not a user's issue, but a bad ux design


Relating to Tom big time. I'm educated, and otherwise reasonably intelligent on multiple levels. But sometimes things befuddle me (particularly with tech), and I discover easier ways to do things, way late in the process, and end up feeling like the dumbest smart guy on Earth.


In Australia come tax time, our employer gives us a single page that says "This year you earned this and paid this much tax", any charities send us "You gave us this much this year" and that's it. Then we go to the government tax website and it says "We've been told you earned this and paid this (including this much in union dues etc), and gave this much in charity deductions, is that correct?" then we check our sheet of paper, go "Yup, that's correct", they ask "Anything else you want to claim for?" "Nope", and the government goes "Ok we'll put your refund into your bank account in the next 3 days". Takes about 3 or so minutes. Unless it's during the pandemic, then we had to add "Oh and I worked around about this many hours at home" to get our deductions for working from home (electricity, internet, phone etc). Took an extra 5 minutes.

Glenda D Kenyon

Tom talking about the law in South Carolina sounds eeriely similar to when a ornery woman would institutionalized, especially when "hysteria" was an acceptable diagnosis. Scary stuff.


Mitch McConnell will be fine. He's got socialised medical care

Francisco Polzin

I’m very interested in finding out what service Tom used to crowdsource an answer about his wife’s condition. My wife has a chronic health issue that multiple endocrinologists over the past decade have failed to accurately diagnose. If anybody here can share it with community (and me😃), I’d really appreciate it!


But how do massive tax firms make money in Australia?! Think of the poor corporations!


Lol I know that's a joke but I'm going to clarify anyway! The rich still hire tax firms because they will bend every law and every deduction to its absolute limit to increase the tax return by claiming everything from the cost to charge your work phone to the wear and tear on your shoes. It's still not a fair system (because those with money can use that money to ensure they pay less into the costs of running the whole system) but it is much faster! Kind of like our medical system. Everyone gets free healthcare, but those with money can still buy insurance to get a nicer room faster.


My in-laws (in the UK) had friends who had 6 kids, with another on the way, which turned out to be a tubal pregnancy. The doctors told her that an abortion was necessary to save her life. Being catholic, she consulted her priest. He advised her to not get an abortion. Following his advice, as you would expect, she died. The husband was unable to take care of their six remaining kids and they all ended up in foster homes. There are those that would support her choice, which, in reality, she was entitled to make. However, her choice was not a choice. She was taking the advice of a priest (probably a pedophile), not the doctors who tried to save her life. Her "choice" cost her her life, and destroyed the lives of her family. ====== Reagan was the fucking piece of shit who got today's shitshow rolling when he married the republican party to the christian voting block. The only thing that mattered to him was beating back the communists not matter how many lives were thrown away and money wasted. He ignored an arms embargo against Iran, who had just held Americans hostage for 444 days (longer than Reagan's administration at that point) to fund the CIA-created Contra, a terrorist group that was trafficking drugs (which the US gov't investigating itself determined was, of course, not true - we've been long aware that those we support traffic in drugs, it also happened in Afghanistan), murdered civilians, and performed public executions. Reagan's support of the Contras violated international law. Humanity has never mattered to repubilcans.

Matt Leischer

Same here, friend. My wife goes round and round with doctors and specialists who never find conclusive things to treat or even explain her illness. It's like they never talk to one another. I'd like to know about the crowdsourced medical solutions too, please.


White Melted Thumb isn't nonbinary or color. That's what he looks like. A thumb-shaped candle that was lit and forgotten. He wish he'd get blown. I hate that man.

Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

In fairness to the YouTube AI, 2 middle age white guys cussing about Ivermectin is an instant red flag. Also the solution to the Slippery slope fallacy is a proof by induction; Basically you explain why every step in the slope can be reached so you don't slip. Induction is the whimsical adhesive bathtub ducks of logic .