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Trump raises $1.5 million for presidential campaign since warning of arrest in looming NYC indictment | Fox News

AI-faked images of Donald Trump’s imagined arrest swirl on Twitter | Ars Technica

Somebody wants the Bible removed from Davis County school libraries

Texas abortion law means woman has to continue pregnancy despite fatal anomaly - ABC News

The only hospital in this Idaho city plans to shut down its labor ward because of shortages and 'bills that criminalize physicians'

Woman’s toes regrow in miracle, MO pastor says with no proof | The Kansas City Star

'Burgers for baptism': 13-year-old baptised without parents' consent | Stuff.co.nz



Jay Voigt

Woot! Sat night instead of Sunday? Does Ian have the week off?


GQP voters are so easy to manipulate, I don't know what's stopping us from doing some of the manipulation. Taking the "HighRoad" doesn't seem to be an effective strategy, judging by where it's gotten us.

Bob Brady

I'm really glad you guys didn't decide to get rid of that little violin riff at the end of the show. I've no idea why but it's the most nostalgia inducing sound, I absolutely love it.

Brian Von Wert

I am just glad to see someone say, "Toe the Line" correctly instead of "Tow the line." But I still think it is stupid to put the punctuation inside the quotes, because I am not done speaking until I finish the quote.


Great show as always- but I have a question:- I ask as a non-US resident/citizen. Re that shit Texas fatal birth:- What happens with the expenses associated with this decision. The mother’s additional costs - or even ventilation in NICU …. Or even if baby survives in a vegetative state? In other countries- at least the healthcare costs are publicly funded! In the US - this is not the case! So while the emotional distress is beyond my capabilities to grasp…. The additional costs that could be crippling are just absolutely absurd! So could she sue the damn state for the costs?!?!!!


Here in the U.S. it depends on which of 3 categories one belongs to. If you are reasionably affluent, you have the good insurance. The good insurance won't pay for eveything, but it's better than those with the mediocre insurance. The mediocre insurance for not so wealthy folks has what they call a "deductible" which means if the medical bill is under a certain price, you are better off paying cash, and if it's more than amount, the insurance will try to pay as little as possible and deny coverage for anything they can. The third category is the working poor. We don't have insurance at all because we have to buy food and pay rent, so we avoid doctors as much as possible, and if something happens we have no choice but to go to the Emegency Room, which gives us a huge bill that must be paid off a little at a time,or declare bankruptcy. So that's a long way to say that these laws are a tax on being poor.


Funny thing about Tom suggesting God doing his taxes. There was a dating sim that released and then removed from Steam (a PC Gaming Platform) the next day. The dating sim had a section for you to do your actual taxes and submit to the Federal and State governments for free.


Floppy toes had me crying with laughter

Bowl of Piss Water

Food does bring people in. I went to a Wednesday morning youth group for the donuts for a couple years in middle school


Exactly! This makes the decision even more egregious! The wealthy will up and go to a state where it’s not illegal…. The mediocre and poor will suffer even more financial harm. It is honestly abhorrent! And in my opinion- deliberate. I feel for the citizens and residents of the US!

B. King

Do you think Toe-lady is pissed she will now lose handicap parking?

Unnamed Muppet

The comments on the AI trump arrest images made me think: What if Chris Farley had survived to impersonate the former president?


So, why is there handicap parking in church parking lots?


I read the article on the bible challenge: Rep. Ken Ivory (R-West Jordan) has not read his bible (surprising?). The Song of Solomon is full of sexual references (1:13, 7:3,7, 4:16, 5:4, 8:10). Tame by adult standards today, but would you read them to a group of kids? One could call them "instructive," but will reading them out loud pass the little old lady bible study group test?

Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

Tom, you know how you hate crypto? Blockchain is the solution to confirming that images are real. Same way you look on the left corner of Firefox and a green icon says "Google.com Secured HTTPS stuff". In the future we will have something like that but with a Blockchain rather than individual authorities (eg. The people who "own" the internet aka. Top-level Domain controllers like the company that owns ".com").