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Fox Will Pay $787.5 Million to Settle Dominion Defamation Suit - The New York Times

Shooting of Ralph Yarl, Who Rang Doorbell at Wrong House, Unsettles Kansas City - The New York Times

Top MAGA Organizer Says 'This Is Too Gay' When Asked About Having Solicited Nudes From Teen Boys

Couple beheaded themselves with homemade guillotine in ritual sacrifice, police in India say - CBS News

Conservatives push wild conspiracy that Bud Light is being run by the CIA in secret ‘woke’ warfare | The Independent

Iowa Senate Pulls All-Nighter to Roll Back Child Labor Protections



Jason Rucker

Tom needs a TV-B-GONE. It's a key fob that turns off pretty much any TV.

Bowl of Piss Water

Couldn't agree more on so many points. I work in state government and can't accept meals or anything more than $50 value. It's ridiculous that the Supreme Court justices can, and honestly pretty infuriating. I'm also an adult lesbian. I have less than zero interest in women younger than 28. Even 19 year olds are children to me. The Gays are not into the youths. Pedophiles are, and they're not us.


I too work for the state government and I can't except anything from someone. If someone were to give me some candy even, I have to declare it and put it on the breakfast bar for everyone to share. Fuck the Supreme Court for this corruption and to which nothing is going to be done

B. King

I'm the same as others here. As a professor, I can't accept any gifts of any kind from a student or family member of a student as it might look like paying for a grade. The grift is being done in public now, because the grifters know they won't be held accountable.