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Special thanks to Michael Marshall for joining us @MrMMarsh.

Merseyside Skeptics

Good Thinking Society

Bad PR

Stories covered in episode:

 Alex Jones Is Definitely a Human and Not a Reptilian | Super Deluxe Super Cuts

Infowars' Alex Jones Is Trump's CAPS LOCK Advisor



Bad Medicine

Loving the episode. I'm on the Josh Bernstein story, and, I'm just gonna leave this very interesting article here for your consideration... <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/oct/13/liberal-media-bias-working-class-americans" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/oct/13/liberal-media-bias-working-class-americans</a>

Brian Masters

Marsh is such a fun speaker. I'm so glad I listen to his shows


Got the link to that Donald Trump D&D character sheet? ^^

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

It will post on our website monday. Someone sent it to us so we have to host it and it will be there after the show releases to the wide audiences.


Badass. Absolutely phenomenal episode, guys.

Dr. H

Love Marsh! Proud sponsor of Skeptics with a K!

Sakashite Fukasumi

I really appreciate the work Marsh does for the Good Head Society. Is that the right name?

Daniel Giddings

LOL @ the people who didn't get the bleeping out "thug". I thought it was hilarious! I was literally laughing out loud every time you did it, classic!

Ryan Parker

I felt like asking you guys when you started talking about a letter from E E, if you had ever heard of a band called, "Eek! A Mouse!"? Nothing to do with anything at all. Just felt like asking as I sit here waiting for a train to go to work.