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Thanks guys!


I'll have you know that we at molest'r'us take great pride in keeping a filthless business. Except our New York branch pizza office, they give zero fucks about quality.


Was having trouble distinguishing real Alex Jones from Tom imitating him, making it all the more hysterical.

Matthew Maxon

Duke's in Bridgeview is good too!

Tom Hail

I haven't finished listening yet but I had to comment about “when does life begin” item relative to abortion debate. Life began 4 billion years ago. The fertilized egg is just a continuum of that life, yet another branching of life that may result in more branches. (If my daughters don’t have kids I guess my branch is ending.) So then, like you said, do you go by viability of the fetus to survive on its own? Brain function? Time since conception? Definitely a tough question. Definitely the woman’s decision in my mind.

Gothic Alice

When is the next live show?