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Marjorie Taylor Greene Defends Boyfriend Over Old Video of Him in Drag

Their high school canceled an LGBTQ play. These teens put it on anyway. - The Washington Post

Right-Wingers Consider Fully Canceling Their Once-Holy Chick-Fil-A

Church accused of adding to trauma of survivor by trying to thwart case involving paedophile priest | Australia news | The Guardian

EXCLUSIVE: Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House | CNN Politics



I'm not a tall man, but I am a disaster

someone shouldpoint out to MTG that the Bible is also pretty clear on women speaking out loud to someone aside from their husband (owner).

Milo StrangeMenagerie.com Caruso

Oh man, I just logged on after a Vegas trip, trying to ignore the pinched nerve I seem to have developed CARRYING GROCERIES to my hotel, looking for a escape and then, there's the old man pain review right up top. Oi vey ;)

Jeff Codling

This is my main comment to anyone who is a part of any mainstream cult. They love to quote their holy book and skip the parts that they don't like.


In response to the drag queen thing, this is another culture war they have to make up. The migrant panics never materialize, immigration is down after Title 42 expired. The republicans are literally taking over voting in blue counties so they can hold on to power, and they’re getting destroyed by abortion bans. They have to make up culture wars to deflect from the real issues they’re losing on so, they go after trans-people, trans-people in sports, drag queens and pride events. None of us should be fooled by their deflections. *edited for punctuation, intentionally didn’t capitalize republicans bc fuck them*

Kernan Coleman

Just moved houses. At 63. Good times.