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A sleeping man dreamed someone broke into his home. He fired at the "intruder" and shot himself, authorities say. - CBS News

TikToker Arrested After Allegedly Breaking Into Busch Gardens, Entering Alligator Pit | HuffPost Latest News

3 severed heads left at employee’s desk following complaints

Student at Louisiana school was 28-year-old woman, cops say | The Kansas City Star

A 76-year-old woman declared dead wakes up during her funeral in Ecuador | International | EL PAÍS English

India official drains entire dam to retrieve phone - BBC News

Man steals backhoe for 10-mile drive to Illinois airport to catch flight | AP News

Dog ejected from car during Sunday crash found on sheep farm, herding sheep | News | khq.com




Border Collies are working dogs, literally. They've been bred as sheep dogs for centuries, and if they don't have work to do, whether it's herding or games or some kind of structure, it's actually mentally harmful for them.

Fame and fortune guaranteed in the state of Tintucky

Tom the word you could use is feedback loop. Capitalism and evolution are examples of these loops where the output is a factor in the input. Negative relationships are stable and their output stays in the range and tends to deviate back into the range (ie. 0,6,3,0,-4,-2,0) these relationships can become positive and spiral out of control(ie. 0,1,2,3,5,8,13)

Jay Voigt

If I ever get to see you guys in person again, I hope I remember to tell you my fireworks stories. Also, we should talk about shooting a .500 Magnum.


A what? I googled 357 magnum and it's the a cartoon gun a comic book bad guy has.


Yeah the thing about the squib round in a revolver is that that’s how Brandon Lee died. The firearms master didn’t check the barrel after they fired the squib so the round lodged into the barrel and then shot a blank round which between the 2 rounds was basically a loaded revolver.