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He did everything right and they indicted him... thrice. 




A great remix of it all. https://youtu.be/SWluu_7npEM

Douglas JM

The "War of the Worlds" story is overblown. A few confused listeners called in to radio stations and then newspapers reported it as a "panic" trying to stoke fears about radio because it threatened their profitability.


What I want to see from all of this is Trump’s indictments get as many Trump supporters to donate to that campaign, his defense; that it completely decimates the donations to the party general. We’ve already seen the Michigan Republican party file for bankruptcy and abandon several regional headquarters. I want Trump’s last bankruptcy to be the Republicans.


I have been a longtime patron - and I have zero intent to change that - but I’ve gotta say that calling our contributions “donations” really rubs me the wrong way. You guys aren’t the only ones who do it, so is it something Patreon makes you say? In my mind, it’s the old “value for value” model. As far as I know, you guys aren’t a charity and the money we give you isn’t a gift. You’re providing a service/show that I, and many other people, find valuable. Sorry for the rant, but it’s something a lot of shows do and it’s bothered me for a long time. If it’s something Patreon makes you do, then fair enough. If it’s not, though, I’d be interested as to what makes you feel it’s a donation rather than payment or a contribution. Maybe I’m way off base! Love the show 😃

Jeff Codling

Could be for tax purposes. I don't know enough about US law to know for sure but a Canadian non-profit I was involved with could only take donations. Either way, Patreon gets their cut and Cog Dis gets theirs.

Mama K

Credit for this goes to a legal podcast I was listening to (don't ask, I'm stoned right now). They speculated that DeSantis and Pence are hated by everyone. Once Trump is guilty in any of his MANY cases to watch out for Liz Cheney to come back and the Republicans to claim the first woman president accolades. And on that note, I'm going to take another puff🌬


There is a danger with making it blanket illegal for politicians to lie; "Z'drastye, I am Ivan of RT. Is the US planning to do X for Ukraine? Are the UFO sightings a secret weapons program?" Etc. For your average congress person they could truthfully say no idea to lots of things, but the chair of the armed forces committee? The intelligence committee? So do they have a carve out to allow them to lie about matters of national security? Where do you set the cutoff for what is national security and what isnt? Who gets to decide? SCOTUS of course. Seems like that would go bad until we fix them.


The zombie thing sounds somewhat similar to Day of the Dead, where a guy w PTSD from the apocalypse let’s a whole murder of Zombies into the isolated base to rip apart a bunch of soldiers including one who yells at them to “choke on it!!”. Also I upped my patronage bc I was able to. It’s not a lot but I wanted to help.