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Patrons get an extra story that was cut from the wide release.

Stories covered in episode:

Extra Content:

Webtoons: Adventures Of God





Sarah Fullerton

Assad is a trained dentist. Not sure why anyone thought he would be a leader. Then again, you guys have a failed business man and Putin is a gay clown (or so I have hear). Ya the world is fucked.


Heh... New Zealanders are known as Kiwis. The kiwi is a native, endangered flightless bird. You are not allowed to eat them. Kiwi fruit are what we call Chinese Gooseberries. We stole that. Renamed it and sold it to you guys and you can't even get the name right. It is a constant source of amusement hearing shows from the U.S. have characters ask for an endangered bird to eat.

Sarah Fullerton

My bad. Dentist just seems more ominous. Plus you'd think an optometrist would have better... vision