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Thank you to Dan and Dan from Data Over Dogma podcast. Check them out wherever fine podcasts are cast.





Show Notes

‘Alien corpses’ shown to Congress as UFO expert forced to testify under oath

Opinion: New Texas law deprives families of religious liberty rights | CNN

Anti-choice states aren’t satisfied. Now they want to punish traveling for abortions | Moira Donegan | The Guardian

"Not a bad return on investment": AOC calls out Justice Alito for luxury fishing trip with GOP donor | Salon.com

Senate GOP says House lacks evidence for impeachment | The Hill



Jay Voigt

How can someone as educated as Dan still believe in an invisible, magical sky wizard and also believe that the bible is in any way, shape or form inspired by that sky wizard? It doesn't require a PhD to see that it's pure, unadulterated nonsense.

Jen C

It isn't clear to me after listening to Dan M on many pods and posts including recent Mormon Stories episodes that he does in any fundie sense. He was careful to say he is an active Mormon but balked at the believing part (Mormonism is a complete fabrication by Joseph Smith Jr, JSJ's claims highly falsifiable, so someone as smart as Dan must know this but choses to stay in the boat socially & knows the boundaries to avoid getting excommunicated so far.) This is where the dogma runs over the jarma, er I mean data - Mormonism. His frame is 'negotiating' with texts and that means lots of interpretive space. That said he draws a line at clarifying his beliefs publicly beyond what is out there so this is just my speculation. I will note he seems to hang out & enjoy the company & deep dive discussions with a whole bunch of openly atheist biblical & classics scholars - and I don't find him on air with apologists (maybe that's just the algorithm bias tho?). I do appreciate his outspoken pushback to bad apologetics & clueless social media posts.

Ryan Parker

There is absolutely 100% abortion in the Bible. I forget exactly where? But I will find it when I get to my destination. Right now I am on an hour and a half drive to work from the desert. But,. It literally tells you how to perform an abortion and why you can do it. And guess what? there’s a whole bunch of misogyny involved! Who would’ve guessed Ed? Lol how does he not know this? But yes, the Bible is absolutely and unequivocally fine with abortion. Otherwise, why would God give instructions on how to perform one and when you could? Bottom line is God is clearly OK with abortion.