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Texas cops ‘swarm’ school, police call for ‘prayer’ over miscarriage in bathroom Fox News guest: Feminists aren’t being ‘what God designed them to be’ Mississippi gay man says Baptist teacher raped him for three years so he’d hate men BarbWire Columnist: Homosexuality Is Violence Against God PASTOR WANTS 'DEMONIC' BOOKS REMOVED FROM PUBLIC LIBRARY Rapture Enthusiasts Fantasize About a Post-Rapture America Ruled by Atheists Why It’s Time To Throw Out Your Microwave http://thisiswhatatheistsbelieve.libsyn.com/ http://torahtreasuretrove.com/



Dr. H

Teen son is now as addicted as spouse and I are to this foul and worthless use of minutes.

Scott Hansen

I drown my disgust and self-loathing in eggnog... damn you Tom and Cecil!