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Phil Mitchell

David Brooks is an idiot. He is worse than the hate filled MAGA cult. He’s one of their enablers.

Dan & Holly

I'm of your generation, and was a latchkey kid. I had friends over without parents around and everything. Anyway, another thing about "kids these days" is that when everyone gets a participation trophy, nobody learns how to take a loss. Resilience seems to be really lacking these days.

Eric Denton

I have noticed MAGA has gotten more deplorable since Covid and their insurrection. Liberals more empathetic.

Kernan Coleman

He’s a problematic individual indeed. But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong in this article.

Eric Denton

I’m older than both y’all and I have two kids. I make an effort to keep up with my friends and hobbies. My friends and I find any excuse possible to hang out. Come over for a couple hours and watch a show. Let’s go for taco Tuesday. We’ll find a monthly wrestling show to go to. You have to reach out and do things instead of staying home in front of the TV. While social media has its draws backs it’s also given me some of my closest real life friends.

The Beautiful Thumb

Good convo, guys. Lots of thoughts, not going to bother because, in summary, everyone talks, few listen, and no one has time/energy/courage/a fuck to give a response.

John Tanzer

I mentioned this in the podcast post, but the thing you're looking for is AmeriCorps, and its great and extremely underfunded. Even Trump couldn't kill it (he tried every year) because red states depend on it so much. My wife works with them extensively


My liberal college also mandated what they called "core classes" which the students all termed "the make you a better person classes" that had us go out in the community and think in a larger connected sense to the world around us. I also graduated with my BA 21 years ago so I can only hope that the same small liberal arts college in CA is still doing that. Now as a parent, a secular parent at that, it's solely on my shoulders to teach my kids the same. It's a lot but it's all I can do

Jannina Johnson

Rotary International. Secular group that does good and it is social too.

James Heppler

I served two years in AmeriCorps after college. It’s not as extensive as Tom’s idea of a national service corps but I would still recommend it to everyone coming out of high school or college.

Wonking with Squatch

Disappointed by the emotional FUD from Tom in this episode. His son won't be able to "ponder the big questions"? Since when is the meaning of life restricted to people with a BA? A degree in Cyber Security will present plenty of opportunities to ponder big questions. Ethics? Laws? You are trained in critical thinking, and to identify false assumptions and edge cases that were overlooked. These skills can be applied to non-technical questions too Purpose and meaning? These are things every human worries about


You do know David Brooks. He’s this guy. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/23/david-brooks-apologizes-tweet-00117794. Glad to see he expressed some humility about the situation, but as a rule his writing is … ugh. HOWEVER… the topic is legit. Tom, Cecil: You are not alone in your frustration, and thank you for caring so much. Tom: This isn’t an institutional fix, at least not at a national level on a large-scale, IMO; it’s a more organic, locally-driven attempt. It’s not a “fix”; it’s a constant effort. That makes it messy, inefficient, and vulnerable. Too bad. The desire for being of service is powerful, but the competition for our focused energy is like persistent static when you’re trying to tune into an FM radio station out in Bumfuck County. Maybe we can ask the younger set what would work for them? I’m not a young anything, but I know enough to realize that my lived experience doesn’t translate well to these Q3-results-are-our-overlords times.