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Anthony Fieno

I've been using Firefox since 2019. Love it. And lol the opera gx thing is hilarious I love Eric Andre. But yea that would be so annoying if you can't turn it off.


You must sing to cats. It is mandatory and they will remember your efforts when it comes time for their world domination. Log cabin. Truly your best work 👏

Eric Denton

Eric Andre is the heat tho

Eric Denton

I will not stand for any WHAM! disrespect. They are my Coldplay.

Chubby Bunny

Fucking cold, dude.

Angela Phillips

A couple of years ago a woman I knew was driving down a straight 2 lane road with no shoulder, but not an unsafe highway at all. A fucking hog ran into the road and she hit it and it killed her. I mean WTF!?