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Always great to hear from you guys, but you haven’t released Tom’s reading of the articles yet.

Occam's Raver

Please could we get a link to the articles too?

Diego Guzmán

Not really like the watchmaker apologetic. We begin with what we know and what could deviate from it in order to "search" and discover things. The more we know, the more efficient the search is. We search life based on our combined knowledge, which includes what we know about life here, chemistry, physics, and so on. Not starting from here, and just go "life could be anything out there", then you could start searching for rocks with a red triangle on them, because why not? Hopeful, we will keep learning and refining/correcting our knowledge.

Bowl of Piss Water

One of my childhood friend's older brother studied fish making swirls in water as they swam and related that to air moving around rockets or aircraft or something. He went on to work at NASA, which I thought was very cool. It's always been over my head, but people are absolutely looking at fish and birds and applying that to aircraft.


Here’s an anecdote; last summer, I was outside smoking and I saw something weird flying. I can’t remember exactly what or how it looked (which tells you how important it was) and then there was this bright green light that shone down on the concrete in my backyard. My blood ran cold and I panicked in my mind. Then I looked up and there was a lightning bug or firefly if you prefer, that was sitting in an empty hummingbird feeder on my awning. The clear plastic diffused their bio fluorescence to make it bigger and brighter. I knew it wasn’t aliens but still the coincidence of the two things made my brain go to that.