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Teacher’s job threatened after he compares his school to lesbian-creating concentration camp Pennsylvania teen charged under obscure 1972 law for simulated sex acts with Jesus statue Bryan Fischer: Ban atheists from the military because ‘genuine Americans’ will die for God Rick Santorum: Let’s call secularism a religion so it can be banned from the classroom Ben Carson: Evolution Is An Absurd Myth, 'Give Me A Break' How Christian fundamentalist homeschooling damages children 7 Right-Wing Christians Who Got Their Comeuppance in Hilarious Ways Are Catholic Priests Obligated to Report Confessions Involving Abuse? The Supreme Court May Soon Decide http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/religion/re0059.html Come to our picnic! http://www.eventbrite.com/e/fan-appreciation-picnic-tickets-12888709477



Dr. H

Love it, as always. That said, the long, long riff on homeschooling was really uninformed. I'm no supporter, but at recent state awards (for National History Day projects), I watched homeschooled kids take home a bunch of medals. I like to say you get a genius with bad social skills or an illiterate, feral mess when you homeschool. But both ends of the spectrum happen.

Dr. H

One more note: therapists can be successfully sued if they report past criminal acts a client tells them about. Only if child is in danger or threat of murder can they report it. Ditto lawyer and doctor, they put your interest as a client above all else, as an advocate. Problematic, but absolute law. You'd have to say the client threatened to kill you if you reported it to avoid risk of losing your license and being sued for $$$$$