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Democrats flip Santos’s New York House seat in high-stakes special election | The Hill

Trump Says He Might 'Encourage' Russia To Attack NATO Allies | HuffPost Latest News

Donald Trump: Taylor Swift Is 'Disloyal' If She Endorses President Biden | HuffPost Latest News

The Supreme Court Wants No Part of Disqualifying Trump From the Ballot | The New Republic

Christian Super Bowl Commercial Outrages Conservatives

Super Bowl Jesus Ad funded by groups fostering "hateful Christian Nationalism"

One Million Moms Vs "Disturbing" Super Bowl Jesus Ad - Joe.My.God.

Mayorkas Impeached by House Republicans Over Border Policies - The New York Times

Review of Sensitive Issues Slows Potential Release of Biden Transcript - The New York Times

Mark Meckler Says The US Must Invade Mexico To Secure The Border

‘God is in control’: Joel Osteen blames ‘forces of evil’ after shooting at his church - Raw Story



Kernan Coleman

The president is part of a team, a team of smart, younger, experienced people. If he dies in office, vice president Harris would make a splendid president.

Eric Denton

Nobody would care about Biden’s age if his VP wasn’t a black woman. It’s racist & Nikki Haley explicitly uses it in her campaigning.

Bowl of Piss Water

Yes!!! Roller derby!!! I volunteer, I'll donate my time, just let me body check some senators

Bob Brady

I think it's wrong to blame voters for the Democrats not putting forward an alternative to Boden. He explicitly ran as a one-term president, so why haven't the Democrats spent the past couple of years building a roster of viable options? It wasn't on the voters to do that. Also, Trump wants to name Ivanka as his VP pick and his voters will soil their goddam trousers over it.


I was mostly on YouTube watching your stuff but since I started following on here I haven't even touched your yt channels. Either way that you all choose, I'll support

Richard Stifle

I was talking about the whole Super Bowl upside down cross thing to my partner. 1. The upside down cross is the cross of St. Peter, it’s a Christian symbol. 2. I couldn’t remember Ice Spice’s name so I described her as a rejected Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Twilight crossover fanfiction character and he said “oh! Ice Spice!” I’ve never felt more connected than when he knew exactly who the hell I was talking about from that description.

Jay Voigt

I knew it, I knew Tom was mispronouncing, "Putin" just to fuck with people like me! Conspiracy confirmed!!!

Jay Voigt

Jebus washed like 3 people's feet in the bible, the people that made this commercial are just fascist theocrats with a foot fetish.


Has Season Liberally been separated from the Cog Dis YouTube Channel? I remember when Cog Dis got taken down and that took down Season Liberally. I usually don't want the Cog Dis stream but I do watch Season Liberally.