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Mark Meckler Says The US Must Invade Mexico To Secure The Border

Scientology Leader Dodges Sexual Assault Summons - Joe.My.God.

Climatologist Michael Mann wins defamation case: what it means for scientists

Putin says he prefers Biden to Trump and mocks Tucker Carlson’s questions | Vladimir Putin | The Guardian

Florida deputy fires weapon after mistaking sound of acorn hitting patrol car for gunshot - ABC News



Jay Voigt


this fish flies

Currently there is a pretty big tiktok ad campaign for scientology. I see multiple ads a day sometimes

Richard Stifle

I think one of the reasons Scientology is less effective these days is because Anonymous took a big bite out of them back in like 2008-ish with file leaks, hacks, and protests and other similar things. It all started because the church tried to scrub a Tom Cruise interview. Back when 4chan made good(ish) guys: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Chanology

Kernan Coleman

Hubbard always said “give them a mystery sandwich,” it was all about luring people in one bit at a time, and “finding their ruin.“ And Miscavige was never designated as his successor. He took over in what amounted to a palace coup. He’s one tiny, sneaky bastard. TheXenu story was concocted while he was high on painkillers after a motorcycle accident in the Canary Islands. There was some festival going on, and a lot of the wall of fire, also known as OT III was based on some of the island’s religious lore. so yeah, he was high AF. And you’re right, there are no longer a terrifying organization to the degree they once were. The defang really took place with the South Park in the closet episode. And then along came anonymous. The Internet was something Hubbard just couldn’t have predicted.