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Most of you have probably been waiting for me to draw a Persona character, huh? Well, glad to see that enthusiasm going, especially with the release of Persona 3R, so let's get to it!

This will not be part of a minicomic.


- Restraints: Rope, tape, belts??
- Poses and angles: (Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Scenario: (Where and how did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Gags: (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories: (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues: (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc: (Anything else you have in mind!)

To make this even easier, you can write up your own scenario in detail and I may base the pic on your vision! Any help would be appreciated!



How about this: Mitsuru and the rest of the troupe got overconfident and ventured too deep into the tower. They suffered a defeat at the hands of the shadows. Mitsuru was separated from the rest of the troop. Mitsuru ended up on some wall of the dungeon (metal restrains and rope). Her battle clothes were completely torn. The shadows had used her equipment and magic against her. The rapier can either be stuck in the wall above her, forcing her arms into a hanging position, or it can be stuck in the ground, with a magic wand attached to the handle, pressing against her intimate area. Ice magic can be used as additional restrains. The sash or her bow could serve as a gag or holding up her skirt in the mouth.Shadow hands going up her body could squeeze her breast. Her own shadow could play with her and tell her that it will replace her and gradually the other members of the group that she isnt "alone" anymore soon.

Levi Franklin

random question, it's been a while since I've been a patron, is there no master drop box with all images or at least monthly?