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Welcome to the next character suggestion thread for the BAD END comic! Unlike the poll suggestion threads, you will have the chance to throw a character you wish to see in the next BAD END comic. Unlike polls, characters are chosen based on how appealing the scenario is!

A character must be suggested with a descriptive premise. If the premise does not fulfill a particular scenario, then that character will not be eligible. You can use a previous scenario in a former BAD END suggestion thread.

Rules and guidelines:

  • You can suggest one character

  • A proper scenario must be written down in full detail

  • I may do hardcore NSFW, but I will not do execution, r*pe (CNC is fine) and etc

  • No lolis and mechas.

Write the name of the character you wish to see in the next BAD END-minicomic!



I want jenny from pokemon. She was sneak-attacked by Team Rocket's Jessie, then her hands and feet were bound with tape, her mouth was gagged, and she was locked up in the police station.

Sami Samara

Elesa from black and white 2 She defeated by team plasma members and trained over months to submit to Ghetsis as a personal slave. First part shows her defeated, second is her being tied up, 3rd is a fast forward to 6 months-1 year of her in strict chains and cuffs with her arms behind her back, collared, leashed, and on jer knees kneeling to Ghetsis as he laughs, 4th pic is her obediently walking as her master as he pulls her chain leash and guides her to his bedroom, 5th is her obediently kneeling to him again in defeat as her master’s shadow is scene taking off his robe ready for some “fun”