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And part 1 is done! I got a second part coming, albeit shorter! So I decided to start with this first before we move on!

Thank you all for your suggestions!

To access the new BAD END comic, head over to the BAD END community chat




Oooo, a part 2 sounds exciting! I think this might be my favorite of all of these, wonderful work!


Looking forward to part 2!


Anyone else having a bit of an issue finding the link ?


I only see the $3+ chat even though I'm a $10. Saw the chat earlier, but now it's gone

kaneki2896 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-12 12:54:27 Should be in "Community", it's a new thing? I clicked in but there's nothing
2024-05-09 18:02:54 Should be in "Community", it's a new thing? I clicked in but there's nothing

Should be in "Community", it's a new thing? I clicked in but there's nothing


Looks like it was updated am able to see it. Can't wait for part 2.


That's the thing. I see the $3 pledge chat, but I'm in the $10 pledge . Maybe minor mishap ?

kaneki2896 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-12 12:54:27 It's working now, thanks
2024-05-09 18:07:10 It's working now, thanks

It's working now, thanks

Momo Trotro

Excellent! Very excited for part 2!^^


Wait there’s a discord? I’m a $10 member but I never got thrown into the discord server

Jack Z

Didn’t know a part 2 was in the works, can’t wait~ ;3 Funny how they threw in a community chat room feature and barely anybody really uses it XD


Some people didn't know what to make of it, but Mag and I found a perfect purpose for it

Jack Z

Yep, I dunno what issue is going on where dumping the links there is necessary but I hope it isn’t a big one :p

Su Yazzi

Absurdly good, I *love* the facial expressions and color work! This is no doubt a big undertaking, but well done!

Edwin Williams ll

The community tab isn’t showing anything for me. But it might be because I’m on mobile I’m not sure.


I checked it out, are you sure it isn't there? If not, then I suppose you could try the desktop version

Edwin Williams ll

Huh? I went to read your comment and then I tried checking it again and now it’s there. I’m glad it working for me now. Thanks. 👍


Fantastic job mate! I love it

Carlos Giron Jr.

The reason I subbed in the first place! Great work dude!