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Sorry for the delay! Been gone for a day, and had intended to upload it yesterday.

The female Rover (or YOU) is defeated by a Fractisidus extremist, and is forced back to Scar, who eagerly awaits his price...

About 54 variants for part 1 and 18 variants for part 2! All of it can be found in the May-June Google Drive box in the community chat!




Dayum bro you really need a rest😯


What a nice bondage art to end the last day of the weekend (My country is 10pm)

Iriga Avo

It’s not there in the community


Someone’s really been having fun with gag alts lately huh hehe


You know I love how sexy the prospect is but I can't help but find it funny how this could work in gameplay, like just sitting at a computer screen controlling a slowly shuffling character for hours


Just asking how you finish all your art work so quickly any tips


Amazing work as always, really appreciate the amount of work you put in to draw so many variants. Now I'm really excited for Chizuru BAD END pt2. Sorry for being persistent, but I hope you can draw a Ponytail Hood on her hehe


I kove the knots on the back! It looks like they could be undone instantly, if only someone would pull them ~


Absolutely PEAK ropework! 🙏


That looks so good! Love how you do the ropework, it looks so secure 🤤🤤