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Hey you all! Sorry for the lack of activity on Patreon, I've been working hard on part 2 of the rent a gf comic, and it does seem to be one of the more harder projects so far! I did intend on getting it done by today, but it seems like I will have to extend it for a few days more, but I hope that I'll get it done within this week!

With that said, I've been pondering a lot and wanted to see with you all how you would feel about me turning the bad end into a more doujin-based format, that is in the format of a monochrome manga style. While that means that I'd forego with the coloring, it'd be entirely in a grayscaled mode. The pros to this would be less time consumption and easier to implement models and backgrounds without much work. Coloring is fun and I still wish to continue with that for the future BAD ENDs, but at my current pace, I don't think I can get them done as quickly as I assumed, hence my proposition!

With that said! Be on the look for the next BAD END this week!



Getting a more narrative style to it just makes it better, even if there's no colour 🫡

Momo Trotro

It'd be really cool to see a Bad End Bagel doujin, I'm all for it^^

Zyrokiss Arts

I find your monochrome work to be spectacular still so I see no reason we cannot optimize the process. Looking forward to seeing more!

True Tactician

I think the "payoff" page(s) can be in color, otherwise all of it B&W is fine! But that's only if you want to still have some color to the Bad end comics


I personally really enjoy the coloration. It makes everything more vibrant and lifelike. My favorite manga pages are the ones the creators decide are important enough to color. Monochrome is nice enough, but they are by nature more dull to look at.


some of my favorite works of your are in grayscale (Jalter, Bagel and Soda)


I personally prefer everything to ve colored, even if the wait would be longer


Hi! I personally really like the bad end comics and think they are very special/unique to you on the internet (and might prefer they remain the same format?). But also who knows? If you go forward with changing up to the doujin format, I could see them and be just as happy with them! Maybe if you did it as a trial next time for us to see what we think about a new format and it's pros/cons? BUT ALSO I don't have a problem with waiting and trust that you'll finish when you finish 😄 I just hope that you won't feel rushed in completing anything. Regardless, you're very talented! I'll stick around with either decision you make.


I prefer the way they are now, with colors. Mashed the art style seem more unique


I'd rather the wait with colour


I say go for it with grayscale, explore your artstyle and different ways to express


I prefer BAD END in full color, even if that means waiting a bit longer. Not to mention it gives more "re-read" values in my opinion. Can't stress enough how much I love Chizuru's black tights color and texture and her beautiful pinkish nipples, It makes the whole drawing feels alive. I always go back and enjoy them, never tired of it. I'll feel sad to think they won't be colorized anymore. But still, I'll respect any decision you make.


Do whatever you wanna do! That's what matters


I don't care at all about colors if it means the art comes out faster


For me, I'd rather you take your time and put out work you feel good about. If that's in color, that's great (it's definitely my preference). At the same time, if you want to experiment with it: go for it!

John White

I agree with Venti, I don’t mind you taking your time. I definitely prefer the color versions, but by all means do what you feel good with 👍


I don't mind waiting to see them in color, since it adds a lot of personality to them so to speak, so please take as much time as you need to get them done. Though I'll be happy with whatever decision you ultimately make.

David Night

I also enjoy colored more but I think having some of it in a doujin style makes it unique and I know I’d enjoy it! Do whatever you feel comfortable with, either way I know I’ll be happy :)


Monochrome works for me! Color is great, but black and white is also nice ✌️


A mí me gusta mucho cuando lo presentas de forma coloreada, por el tiempo que te tome realizar el trabajo artístico no hay problema, se puede esperar ya que las grandes obras conyeban su tiempo. saludos.

Gregory Hardin

Really, you should go with whatever format you prefer. I always enjoyed the final colored image, but would rather you never feel pressured to get them out ASAP. Keep up the great work!


No stress Bagel takes as long as you need and take breaks. Besides if you play games, we will see the poor cute girls of it tied up. 😊 The bad end series, like the last bagel comic that was black and white, is good to introduce. You could possibly use these colour highlights, which you have already done from time to time (the eyes, vibrators, .... in colour, but the rest in black and white). Maybe one page could be in colour, e.g. the last one or determine the page through a poll with 1-2 variants.


Take your time, Bagel. No need to rush. Though I would much prefer bad end comics to be colored, the decision is all up to you.


I wouldn't mind monochrome but colored is definitely better

xBrokenEclipse .

Yes, faster and possibly longer content is always a plus! You could always do a color shot for the cover page too

Roscoe Grange

I would prefer that the bad end comics be colored, even if it means that they release less frequently.


I'd prefer color: you have a great coloring style. Obv you do you if you don't feel like you can keep up the coloring, but the time aspect is not particularly an issue for me


I support any decision you will take, I just gotta say that you already are an extremely fast artist, especially at this quality ^^ One very niche personal opinion in favor of color: lots of characters have different hair colors nowadays. Everytime you post a colorless sketch about a character I dont know I always guess the hair color wrong lol


Tough choice 🤔 I would go with old school black and white




I think going the doujin style could be a good idea, especially if it means less headache for you. If you don't want to abandon color completely, you could color the "main panel" or "climax panel" of the comic for emphasis. It's up to you, though! I know I'll be happy with whatever you choose.

jerry jerome

I'm always on e hentai and the doujin is my favorite part right now, i basically search the website to death so that would be great as far as im concerned

Sean Patrick

I'm fine with either. Take your time. You can't rush a masterpiece.

Edward Liu

I like color better, so I don't mind waiting, especially if it makes the effort all the more worth it


Take your time, we will all be patient, I would wait up to a couple of months even, although I would have loved for this to be extended to a part 3 with even more "spicy" scenes hehe. 🧐


dont worry, take all the time you need, the draft are looking amazing so best to do it until you are satisfied with the result, we can wait


Oh! A week has passed! This week has passed, too! Taaat!