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Now that I got that outta the way, I've forgot to tell you that I've been playing ZZZ and this game got so many good bondage scenarios, but I think it's pretty obvious where my mind went:

You can suggest:

- Poses and angles
- Scenario (How did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Ropework (Bunny rope, Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Gags (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc (Anything else you have in mind!)

Simply suggest your ideas by commenting below! Try to be as detailed as possible! :)


Iriga Avo

You know what would be nice? Her wearing a tape gag with the design logo of her shirt on it.


Belle has gotten tired of Nicole not paying her debts and has decided to tie her up as a way to earn her keep, she ties nicole to a chair with vibrators and a gag to promote an adult section of the video store


Suitcase bondage could be really fun and fitting for her since her weapon is a suitcase There’s also plenty you could do with her nature of almost always being in debt scenario wise, maybe working as a bondage waitress or something a little more unconventional, I like the idea of a “damsel race” scenario where a bunch of bound gals do a hopping race with people betting on the winner, maybe she could be doing something like that to pay off her numerous debts hehe


Poses and angle: she’s in a dark dungeon, kneeling and looking up at her captor while he holds her leash Scenario: after being cocky and over confident, she’s defeated and taught her place as a slave Ropework: tight belt bondage with locks, wrist tied, strict elbow bondage, toros tightly belted as well, collar and leather leash Gag: ball gag, penis harness gag Accessories, leash, master is holding a whip, bondage torture tools in the background (whips, chains, etc) Dialogue: master: “well, now that you’ve been properly put in your place, you’re not so cocky now, are you? Nicole: *begs for forgiveness and mercy through her gag Master: “well, now that you’re my slave, I’m going to train you to submit and please me. Now, you don’t want to find out what happens if you fail, do you?” Nicole: *gestures “No!!!” Desperately Misc: Nicole has a desperate and regretful look on her face as she looks directly at the camera, which is her master’s perspective. She became his personal slave, and she has no way out. She submits to him


Nicole, Anby and Nekomata gets caught by the red fangs, but since their lost the treasure the group most pay her "debts" as bangboo bunny girls in a auction snd waitresses. One of the clients of the red fangs capture very hight interest in Nicole and bought her. Now are Anby and Nekomata are forced deliver Nicole in a case to her new owner. The case could contain different toys and bondage items. Would a fitting scenario for the greedy cunning hare....


How about the Original scene from the game? She gave the enemies her suitcase trying to trick them into activating the sleep gas, but the sleep gas was shot from her suitcase and landed on her feet putting her to sleep instead. When she woke up, she's fully bound and gagged, they were stuffing her into a suitcase, pushing her head to fit inside a small suitcase that barely fits the size of her body. Shortly, Anby and Billy arrived at the scene but she's nowhere to be found. Just 2 normal people walked passed them and one of them was carrying a suitcase. However, it never even cross their mind that Nicole could be inside that small suitcase. Anby: "Weird, Nicole should be around this area" Nicole: "hmmgh!?" Billy: "She shouldn't be far, let's keep looking" Nicole: "hmmgh!!" Captor: "That was close, too bad huh? They never would have thought you are all bound and gagged, stuffed into this small suitcase. Let's bring you to our hideout, when they finally realize, you will be long gone, nobody can find you" Nicole: MGH!? MMMPGH!! MMMMMMGH!!!