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A pair of robbers were sneaking around Bagel's garden, intending to rob her place, but both Bagel and Soda exposed the thieves, but were immediately ambushed before they could make a single sound! With plenty of tape to go around, they wrap them up and keep them on their bed.

The robbers were only searching for something valuable, but did not count on the ladies to be awake at such a time! Scouring and looting the house, they notice the toys. They must be a bunch of bondage freaks they thought to themselves, and decided to keep them entertained while they both escape! Everyone wins!


This was something I did out of fun for no particular reason, but you guys haven't seen my ocs in a while, so here they are! I will color it later this month!




Love some bagel and soda bondage!


Wow I was missing your OCs and this is just amazing! I really like how embarrassing the pose is, especially with one of their legs taped to the other’s leg. I also love that Bagel got an extra vibe lol. Overall, the robbers were nice enough I suppose. At least Bagel and Soda didn’t become part of their loot… 😈


There find the best S-rank loot there could get, two cute certain damsels. Now there must only find the bonus loot(bagels hidden bondage toys).


When’s the last time we saw the two colored?


Always love to see your OCs!! Especially Bagel hehehe


Ahhh awesome to see bagel and soda get some love! Cant wait to see them colored in!


I'd probably take them if I was the burglar.


So happy to see them again, and from such a good angle too ❤️


Well, they got something more valuble then money lol


Oh hell yes! I've missed your OCs! Happy to see them again for this surprise treat.

kaneki2896 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-12 04:02:12 The robbers find these 2 more valuable than anything in her place, bag them up nice and quiet, put them in the van and off to a distance place far away
2024-08-04 12:25:02 The robbers find these 2 more valuable than anything in her place, bag them up nice and quiet, put them in the van and off to a distance place far away

The robbers find these 2 more valuable than anything in her place, bag them up nice and quiet, put them in the van and off to a distance place far away

Carlos Giron Jr.

Nice, always love to see more Soda!

Joseph Ahn

Any idea when we can expect the colored version? This is so good!