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Hey everyone! I'd just like to inform you all that my computer is away for some major upgrades, and so I have not been able to post some new stuff these couple of days. I estimate that my computer should be back by tomorrow or on Monday. Either way, I'll be sure to provide you guys with some new stuff once it's back!

Thanks for your patience! I truly appreciate all your support!



No problem can give us a bit of spoiler what you drawing next?


It take times for a master piece to be created So don't worry about us,


Dont stress about it, its only been a couple days Just hoping the upgrading comes thru just fine


Eula next!? I'm so excited!

TheWither Storm

What a coincidence mine as well, but in my case the graphic card broke :c


No worries! Take as much time as you need. Your art is always worth the wait!