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Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've made an update. Paprika and I are going for a much needed vacation, and given that we both live in the north, the days are short and gloomy, so I feel like we're both going to be refreshed by the time we return! Before I leave, I'll make a poll so that I can have something ready to do once I return!

With that said, it's time for some feedback. I feel like I've developed a lot, but I feel like there's something missing, since I don't experience the same kinda enthusiasm like years ago, and that left me pondering if there's something missing, so if you wish to take your time to answer these questions, it would help me a lot to enhance the experience on Patreon.

  • Do you feel like my art has stagnated or reached a level where it could be improved? If so, in what way do you think it could be improved?

  • Are there features that you would like implemented to enhance the experience on Patreon?

  • What would you love to see more from me? This can be OC, fanart or many other things.

  • Now I've been holding off on this one, but if there ever comes a time, would you love for me to open up a Discord for Patreon users?

  • Is there anything, in your mind, you believe is constructive that you would like to share with me?

If there are any questions you'd like to pose, you can go ahead and I'll answer them one by one!



More of your OCs would rule, I remember seeing them a long time ago and loving their designs


I personally love your art and been a huge fan of your comcis especially the bad end series...I would like to suggest if your open for the idea of revisited some old arts and doing a bad end comics series for them.


1. I really love your art style, so I don't think it needs improvement. But what I'd love seeing is the old artstyle as well as a bonus or something, like in the Nami artwork for example! 2. Not any that I can think of 3. More BAD END comics! I love them and I'm probably not the only one. Perhaps one with one piece or something 4. If that would make you more connected to your fans, that may be beneficial for you. Just make sure your server is organized and has mods though!


My only ever suggestion is more Touhou art. I ain't much of an artist to give valuable feedback, but as a consumer, you've been absolutely stellar. Each time youve put out banger after banger . Discord would be neat


Since I joined your patreon a couple years ago, I've been under the impression that you are the best bdsm artist on the site. I think the improvement over the past couple years has been subtle, but still very much there. I am very sorry to hear that you think your art has stagnated, as I don't think that statement could be further from the truth😎. As for content in the future, I'd love to see more of Bagel and Co. They are all just incredibly cute 😍


Maybe more western characters. I love your art but because I don't keep up with anime I find myself not knowing who many of the characters are.


Enjoy your holiday :)


Your art is becoming better and better! The only art I'm anticipating at the moment is Rent a Girlfriend Bad End part 3. Other than that, have fun on your vacation!


When I see your art I think it improves every time! I love seeing all your pieces and how your skill grows! I also think seeing more of your OCs would be awesome! As I always love seeing the adventures and mishaps they get up to! I think a discord for patrons would be awesome also! But that's cause I'm biased and use discord a lot!


There is no Kama drawings in Google drive


I don't really have much meaningful things to say, I feel like losing a bit of enthusiasm about something once it becomes your routine is a given - doing something different would normally help but I can't say I have any idea what "something different" would mean for you. A discord server could be neat but it's also something you need to put time into maintaining.. Anyway, enjoy your vacation you both!

Iriga Avo

My answer for question 3: I’d like to see a more unique approach to gags. For example, adding symbols that are associated with the series in which the characters come from in some way. Or use other substances such as spiderwebs or pure energy(powers from the captor maybe). My answer for question 5: No offense but you’re making an overwhelming amount of variants these days but also on the contrary, there’s missing variants for older works such as the Echidna pieces because of a broken link.

Legend Aragon

Hope you two enjoy your much needed vacation. Sorry to hear that you don't have the same enthusiasm as you did back then, but I love your improvement over the years I have been following you. Really enjoy your bad ends and the drawing of Tiki from Fe. Sad there isn't much drawings of her and I can't really commission since I'm broke lol. I look forward to every post you do of WIP and such.


I think going back to a suggestion box or having themed polls would be a nice way to help with stagnation a bit (not that your art has stagnated or anything). By having those, you aren't just drawing the flavors of the month and other franchises have a chance to shine, so maybe that's an idea? Other than that, I can't really think of anything else. Your art is great to see, and I enjoy seeing it here. Enjoy your vacation, you've more than earned it!


I'd definitely love to see more OC content. In terms of Art improvements personally i think naked boobs could use some work. In some pieces the nipple positioning feels off, not working out when mentally turning the body. In other pieces nude boob shape seems a bit rough imo. They're unsupported when not clothed but sometimes they're facing so strongly down they look like they're gloomy about being undressed. Naked boobs are still fairly new in your toolbelt compared to how long you been at it so I'm looking forward to see where your art develops in the next few years


Thank you, a deeply constructive critique I've never taken into notice before, definitely something that will come into hand when I draw tiddies again!


I will also say that more OC content would be nice to see. I enjoyed your old OC content a lot, it’s a nice palate cleanser at times over seeing popular gacha characters or the most popular girls from a new/old anime. I think a discord server would help out by staying updated on anything going on and serves a great place for your community to converse or share content. It serves as a nice backup in case anything were to happen, people could rely on it. Custom emotes of your OCs would be fun to use from your server too, that’s if emotes work catches your interest at all. I’m not very good at art criticism, but one thing I would mention would be for damsels to have a bit more expressions. I’m always down for a damsel being angry at their captor or an aroused one with a vibrator, but I think more variety in expressions would be more interesting to see. I would say more alts with different expressions would be intriguing, but I don’t want to add more work when there already is so much. Hope you two have a good vacation! ❤️


Hey, based on my personal experience from Issas and Magnolias discord Id love to have a Bagel discord as well! It really helps form an actual community <3 Wishing you both a relaxing vacation, totally deserved!!


really love bad end series!Will it also happen to my hero academia?like nejire,uraraka,yaoyarozu and ashido


I did one for Nejire, but I was thinking of doing it for Uraraka and some other characters in their adult forms


1. you have become quite fast and maintain your quality. I think it's a more personal taste, but before you changed the drawing program your art had a little more warmth from the colors. Maybe try Live2D or find someone who can create your art as Live2D. It would be interesting to see what your art looks like in Live2D, at least once. 2. maybe a community chat or a Discord server with a type of event (halloween, christmas, easter or something else). Maybe mutiple votes on polls or some kind of nichen poll to see characters that might not be too popular. So maybe your older art in cloud folder 3. more art from your OCs. Maybe some kind of bad end story with two different outcomes. 4. would be interesting, but maybe difficult to handle with the number of members if i'm honest. 5. please keep it up.

Roscoe Grange

1. I think the quality of your art is awesome. It's distinct and looks amazing without feeling repetitive or boring. I wouldn't change too much in terms of style. I also love how many variants each pic has and I think you put out content at a good pace too. 2. I would love to see a better voting system. Being able to see the voting percentages when you vote leads to frequent vote changing to one of the two leading vote getters, just so you can feel like your vote matters at all. I would love to instead have a link to vote somewhere outside of Patreon where the results are not instantly shown to the voter. 3. Personally, I am not a big fan the bad end series. I'd instead love to see more comics featuring either consensual bondage or forced bondage that features less bleak situations. I would also prefer less video game characters and more anime characters (but I guess that's more of a poll thing). I love getting Bagel and Pop Pom pics every once in a while, but I would rather the majority of the focus be on established characters. I would love to see some older pics get revisited or remade, especially those that were supposed to get more variants but didn't (like the Emilia pic). Lastly, I would love to see you draw more mummification bondage. I think it's super hot and I really loved the Wiz and Nami comics. 4. I don't really have strong feelings either way regarding a Discord server. 5. Take whatever break(s) you need during the holidays. You're the best bondage artist around when considering both quality and quantity, and I don't think anyone else is that close.


I appreciate your points! Definitely wish Patreon had a better polling system as I don't believe it's functioning well. If anything, I wish it didn't show the polling results until it ended. So I will be looking into alternatives for that. As for the Bad End, it's kinda difficult to find a bondage scenario which does not involve consensual settings. But I have however, made it a strict rule not to include any penetrative sex since the Yor one as I'm not big on sexual intercourse. Regardless, due to the success and popularity of the Bad End series, it's prolly gonna stick around for the future to come. With that said, I definitely wish to have a "soft reboot" once I return from my vacation and work more on my OCs, since that's what many of my pledgers are here for. Hehe! Thank you very much for your feedback btw, I totally appreciate it!


We still love you, Bagel! Part of it is probably just the... cumulative strain... of the last couple of years. I don't naturally engage much anyway, but I've been engaging even less, and I'm sorry. On the other hand, while I love your style and execution- they're what I came for (not intended) and they're still great- it feels like your composition has shifted away from the... presentation(?) and predicament and towards the simple fact of restraint since October of last year. You still hit really well on your series (Lusamine, Chizuru, Bagel/Soda raid, etc were all fantastic), but in the regular pictures the girls look more tied to immobilize than they look tied for appreciation: as if the focus should be the other things being done to them while immobilized rather than on them. Does that make sense?


Perhaps you mean that there's not much going on in the picture other than the girls being tied up. For example, a bondage fan would like to see more things happening other than just the damsel being tied up like, let's say, hopping, struggling, being carried and much more. In that sense, I totally get that, and that's definitely a good form of feedback!


A lot of that, yeah. Also the poses, though: a lot of the girls are curled up, or face-down/leaning forward, or in profile, or in visually dense restraints, or something else that significantly conceals them (I count being carried over the shoulder in this category, for the record). Compared to, say, the second picture in the June Lusamine set or the chairties in Bad End: RaG or your old Ochaco pics where the ladies are much more presented for admiration with relatively light bonds (the other additions, like massagers, are deeply appreciated but are strictly a bonus for me)


There’s not much more I’d like to see, I hope your vacation goes well!


Ohhh, now that is something I can get behind. Now I totally get what you mean. Funny how I didn't notice that before! I think that will definitely change when I return, thank you so much for your feedback, this is something I truly appreciate you told me


I mean it doesn't even register without looking back through every post one after another, right? I had no idea until an hour ago. Anyway, have a fantastic vacation!


I guess one wouldn't notice, but when you look back, there's definitely a kind of flare that people appreciate, perhaps more of that is needed, and thank you!


I don’t really know how you could improve, but I’d love to see more of your OCs. If motivation is a problem, I say try to find something new and challenging to draw. A discord sounds like a fun idea btw. I hope you and Paprika enjoy your vacation too!

jerry jerome

A lot of people want to see more of your OC characters but I really really prefer when you do popular characters. You could always balance the two. For example 1 month you post OC content. 1 month popular characters. I month bad end. And then repeat. Not exactly that of course since I know zero of your schedule


First off, I still love your art, and I don't think it's stagnated. You've done a marvelous job of changing up the positions/ties/scenarios with each piece, and I really appreciate that variety. I also love how immobilizing you make everything look--it really sells the idea of the model being inescapably bound. No two pieces of your art look exactly the same, and I think that that's something to be proud of. My only critique is that sometimes there can be a LOT to download for your bigger works. The file sizes for each image can get pretty huge, and when there are almost 100 variants for each one, it can add up pretty fast! As for future content, if you are feeling a lack of enthusiasm, would it help if you took some time to just draw the characters/scenarios that YOU want to? Take a break from polls and suggestion box and focus on the stuff you enjoy? Otherwise, I would love to see more of your OCs. You've got some great character designs, and it feels like it's been a long time since we've seen any of them in action. Even if you would rather continue doing fan art (which is totally fine!), it would also be nice to see some older WiPs get some color. I think there are a few sketches that you were planning to become full works, but never did? I love the idea of a Discord server! You could even name it after the office that Bagel and Co. work at. I hope you and Paprika have a wonderful vacation! Rest up and have lots of fun. :)


Have a good vacation, Bagelbomb!! I'd like to see more OCs being drawn!! And also action in your drawing, like struggling to move, trying to wriggle away, etc

Momo Trotro

Hope you have a wonderful vacation, well deserved!^^ I can't speak for the art technicality of things, I will say I greatly enjoy your work still, excited to see what's next


Firstly, I hope you have a good vacation! Secondly my big ass sausage fingers are not made for the mobile keyboard so my sincerest apolocheese if theres any typos lol. Ive also been typing it over a little while sp of things are on there double or disjointed, thats why lol And about the questions, 1. I don't think you've stagnated at all! When comparing artworks from now to a year ago i can definitely notice improvement, my small non art brain can't comprehend what more there is to improve 😝 But i'm also very biased as i you are quite litterally my favorite artist hehe 2. I'd love some sort of way for more niche characters to get a chance. (Maybe some sort of roulette wheel with the poll losers to make it random, this way it isnt just a popularity contest. But this probably has its flaws too lol) Anonymous voting would be cool too like someone else already suggested. 3.1. I might be in the minority here but i prefer your normal art over things like bad end comics (Not to say i dislike them). And even then i actually really liked the bunny artoria picture with just the character and not even a background, id love to see more of that! That way you could perhaps lessen the load and have more time for yourself, to hopefully regain that mojo you have self-admittedly lost! 3.2. Also i would really love to see more consensual/enthousiastic bondage going on! 3.3. On the topic of what i personally want to see 😋 I would also love to see more leather/latex or just a general variety in sorts of bondage. The Tiki? and blake pics were some of my recent favorites! But ofc this is just my personal preference lol 3.4. More of your OC's aswell please, they're great characters and its been so long since we've seen them colored in! 3.5. Perhaps also take some more time to draw what you yourself generally want to see? Once again perhaps that will help you regain that lost enthousiasm 4. Could be fun but no preference lol 5. Uhh like someone else mentioned maybe some more warmth/saturation in the colors? Besides that i don't really have anything lol. But for now, enjoy your vacation, rest and recharge! Cheers mate

grounded grounded

Enjoy your vacation but my only critism is for the stroys not for the art. Cuz the art is about as good as it gets. But i personally would say that the storys should be of happy couples and less of kidnapping and non consentual stiff


Also some more general thoughts and points i have gotten thanks to reading everyone else's stuff hehe 1. I love the generally over the top bondage pictures, they scratch an itch that cant be scratched by anyone else lol, so if you're planning to kinda move away from that I do hope you keep making them atleast once in a while. 2. I love the idea of having something done with live2d like someone suggested. 3. You probably already know this but you have a big audience and you're never going to please everyone, so do be sure to follow what you want to do yourself aswell. Although I do think its awesome you're asking for feedback like this and keeping us updated 💛


BAD END series is what I enjoyed the most and also the main reason I've been sticking around for so long on the $10 because I love to participate and suggest scenarios or variants. Besides that, I noticed that tape wrap and panel gag have gotten so much improvement in a year, really like the way it's drawn now, like the Makima ones. Would be great to see some different bondage tools, like Leather Ponytail Hood, I can imagine you draw a very short sequence. For example, the girls helpless expression as the captor put the hood on them and tighten it up, I imagine that would look very hot. Well, you did mentioned that you would like to draw it on Mizuhara in the bad end series part 3, I'm really looking forward to that.


I’m curious, since you say you feel less enthusiastic about your art; do you feel that way in general everytime you draw lately, or have there been any specific pieces lately where youve felt that same enthusiasm as before? For me the most exiting pieces from you lately are those that build around the bondage itself, for example I think a good thing about the bad end stories is that it allows to explore more poses, angles, scenarios and progressive bondage in ways a single pinup cant. I feel like background context helps a lot in making a piece stand out too, its also very fun to think about what happens before and after the piece itself. Some pinups also indulge a bit in this (ie the Lusamine one, or the ones with progressive variants) which are the ones that stand out more to me. Stories are also about building towards something, which makes me look forward to the next piece a lot more Do you feel like implementing a more story based approach, like more comics or such, would help you regain that enthusiasm? I recall you mentioning wanting to do that more with your OCs, i think that would be a good start since i quite like the world and relationships you’ve been slowly building around them Btw enjoy your vacation, yall deserve it :)

Viewer 101

Have a good vacation. Any girl in one piece swimsuits and leotards would be good.

grounded grounded

Something you could do is add more of the crazy smiles to the characters. Like the one on makima you did. Where it looks like shes like insanly enjoying it to a crazy level.


Id like to see more explicit comics. I also feel like there are to many options in the polls. Some choices just never stand a chance.


I had to think alot about it, but i dont like the way you draw small breasts the nipples seem to be positioned really low. Your nipple positioning is sometimes a bit weird in generell. I have to admit though they are compared to real breasts very realistic.


Hope you enjoy your vacation. Do you think you could make a bad end comic out of your "Lycoris Recoil" drawing? I really love your art and i think it would be interesting to see what happend to those two.