Vacation + feedback (Patreon)
Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've made an update. Paprika and I are going for a much needed vacation, and given that we both live in the north, the days are short and gloomy, so I feel like we're both going to be refreshed by the time we return! Before I leave, I'll make a poll so that I can have something ready to do once I return!
With that said, it's time for some feedback. I feel like I've developed a lot, but I feel like there's something missing, since I don't experience the same kinda enthusiasm like years ago, and that left me pondering if there's something missing, so if you wish to take your time to answer these questions, it would help me a lot to enhance the experience on Patreon.
Do you feel like my art has stagnated or reached a level where it could be improved? If so, in what way do you think it could be improved?
Are there features that you would like implemented to enhance the experience on Patreon?
What would you love to see more from me? This can be OC, fanart or many other things.
Now I've been holding off on this one, but if there ever comes a time, would you love for me to open up a Discord for Patreon users?
Is there anything, in your mind, you believe is constructive that you would like to share with me?
If there are any questions you'd like to pose, you can go ahead and I'll answer them one by one!