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Holiday seasons are upon us, and Bagel have finished her Christmas shopping, meanwhile Soda is still out doing her part. However, as stressful as Christmas shopping can be, Bagel wasn't always careful. She left the door open while carrying the pile of christmas boxes, inviting some unwelcomed guests into her house... As the robbers catch her, they wrap her in what appears to be some strong quality christmas wrapping! She's collared and tethered to the wall. The robbers even had a bunch of devices with them to make it worse! Were they always planning on using it on some poor clueless girl? Bagel is completely helpless and the robbers help themselves to her valuables. However, they're not planning on leaving Bagel there, after all, she's the most valuable catch in their heist!

It's only a matter of time until Soda returns, and the only way to warn her is to reach the phone on the table that the robbers left unattended. However, it's no good when you find yourself completely bound with restricted mobility! She can only hope to reach her before the robbers leave with Bagel unless Soda is caught in the mix as well! Oh dear...

About 150+ variants in this one! I did not intend to have that many, but either way, let's call it a Christmas gift from moi!

All available in the Driver folder!




Great scenario! That was a fun one to read. Bagel has great taste with black nail polish too 🥰


Bagel's nail polish is so pretty!! Also those pasties would be fun to peel off! 😄


Lore unlocked hehe, she uses black nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails!

Jack Z

Bagel’s so pretty~ Honestly who wouldn’t wanna take her as well? ;3


I usually download first and then read, if there is much text, but I didn't expect 150+ variants from you! That seems pretty rare!


SO good

Renegade Doge

Damn this is amazing! Everything came our perfect ^^

Zack Morris

Seems like Bagel's been pretty naughty this year if she's getting punished that severely. This turned out great!


omg, Bagel, 150+ variants is insane! Thank you so much for your hard work, I love your style and this setup is so hot ☺️


Thats a nice wrapped up Bagel. Bagels pony tail looks always so cute. With her horns and the collar she looks a little bit like a reindeer. I hope Soda will join soon to have fun too...


Bagel is such a great fit for classic bondage scenarios like these, look at her go ❤️


LOVE the variant with the tape gag, blindfold, and bells! Super mean! 😈


Definitely hope to see that Soda gift in the future. This is too fantastic to not get a sequel


I'm only seeing the bad end and poll dropboxes in the community tab. Is there something I'm missing to check out these variants?


Wha...150?! Dang, Bagel! That's so many! Merry Christmas indeed. Such a wonderful gift!


Have a nice christmas bagel and a happy new year