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Based on Mai's casual wear in Street Fighter VI

I couldn't help holding myself against the temptation of drawing her in a chair tie, hehe. But I felt a regular chair tie would just be to generic for this situation and opted for something a bit more extreme, she's got the flexible body after all!


I'm working on two comics, one is a commish, which is slightly shorter, and the Marin Kitagawa one. I've taken it easy with the comics, because they demand a lot of energy, but the commish one will be out this month!

$10 pledgers can suggest variants




Super hot! Love Mai’s casual outfit and that chair tie is awesome! Love how much it makes use of her flexibility. Looking forward to the comms, but take your time plz 🙏


first the tifa pic now this youre getting really creative with chair ties hehe, obsessed with this one too already, absolutely needed to see her tied in that casual fit the moment i saw her in it and im loving that ponytail tie <3 a gwen hood alt would look perfect on here too hehe


would love to see a pantyhood variant

Momo Trotro

Yuuss, for variants Imma say either ringag or topless with nipclamps^^


Looks great! For variant, panty hood?


This one looks really good! I ask for a thin cleave gag variant please.


She should have some weighted clamps dangling down


Maybe splitroast with two dildos since the pose and view fits for this. Would look great if a dildo gag and another dildo would both inserted at the same time. Love it how you play around with different chair poses.


Ooooh this looks fantastic already! Love the unique chairtie, and Mai is a top-tier damsel for sure. Really well done, Bagel!


A panel gag might be nice for her


stockings please