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This one is a new idea I had, but you've all noticed that I've been on a roll as of lately, and I've also been kinda keen on drawing more Poke ladies in bondage, which brings me to this post! I'm gonna give you the opportunity to suggest a Trainer and scenario of your choice.

I'll be out tomorrow, but I'll definitely get a sketch done by Thursday!

You can suggest:

- Pokemon ladies
- Poses and angles
- Scenario (How did they get themselves into this mess?)
- Ropework (Bunny rope, Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Gags (Ballgags, OTM, OTN and etc)
- Accessories (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Misc (Anything else you have in mind!)

Simply suggest your ideas by commenting below! Try to be as detailed as possible!

If the idea is appealing enough, I might go with it!



Elsa. It’s a bad end comic idea. She’s being tied up for a photoshoot. It ends up being team plasma and they capture her, then selling her, and yadadadada.


Maybe kris to give this almost forgotten pokemon girl some love


Got some girls to suggest from the movies. domino from the mewtwo returns movie, Diane from the jirachi movie, rowena from the zoroark movie. And for poke milfs, Diane (ash’s mom), Lana’s mom from the anime (she got no name) and Caroline (May’s mom)


Karen from Pokemon Gold and Silver. She's heavily hogtied and OTN gagged with vibrators after losing to a strong opponent.


Serena and May are competing in a Pokemon Contest, but one of their competitors doesn’t want to face them. They are suspended frog tied facing each other. The person then says as she’s closing the door, “Have fun watching me win the Contest Ribbon.”


Elesa from BW Belt bondage Strict elbow and wrist tie Bunny outfit Ball gag Collar and leash She was captured and sold as a bondage slave Her master is ordering her to dance for him as if she was on stage, but while she’s tied and gagged while she’s visibly struggling with a vibrator tied firmly in place The view is what her master is seeing, so basically his point of view. Dialogue bubbles is him commanding her to dance for him while he has a whip out and camera out, while she’s struggling to obey him


Alright then. I guess Elsa in an auction setting. She’s standing on the stage with the announcer holding her by the hair

Legend Aragon

Ik you have drawn her for 3 pictures, but I love me some Sonia bondage


Either Elesa (black and white 1 design specifically) or Zinnia are my suggestions!


Courtney from Pokemon Ruby Angle is pov standing above her while she looks up at us For the scenario team Aqua kidnapped her and recorded it as a way to piss off team magma I was thinking shrimp tie although I'm not sure how that'd look from a standing POV, as an alternative I'd suggest a classic chair tie Any gag is honestly fine although a ring gag sounds visually pleasing especially with her tongue out As for accessories I think a Hitachi magic wand should be pretty easy to draw but if you really wanna switch things up you could add one of those rose suction clit stimulators and have it taped between her thighs


I’ve been obsessed with the Gen 9 ladies lately, so I would suggest either Dendra, Nemona, or Carmine in a really strict hogtie with a nice big tape wrap gag, preferably shoes on. I especially love the mental image of how angry Carmine would be, or how much of a fight Dendra would still try to put up.

Andrea Blount

How about May in her Princess dress tied up and ballgagged being mistaken for the real princess she was just dressing up as but gets taken by two female Team Rocket goons

antoine muzelet

please continue to add panty gag, seeing ladies get stripped of their panties to be put on their face is the best


Might not be a popular one, but there’s so little art of Geeta that I think it’d be cool to have something art showing her. I imagine that since she’s generally considered the weakest Pokemon champion so far, it’s a situation where she’s hogtied with a chest harness and her team is just getting continually beaten by challengers, there may even be a counter in the background of how many people have earned the “Champion” title today lol. She probably has vibes that may increase in intensity every time she’s beaten, so at this point she’s basically unable to think, and each new champion’s able to do something else to her, hence why there will be variants including ballgags, nipple clamps, ring gags, etc. Maybe she even has “Loser” written on her forehead in marker just to drive home how far she’s fallen


How about Cynthia frogtied in a luxury ball

Fernando Gomez

Jessie with penis gag with belly dancer clothes


Malwa post defeat in the Elite 4 gets captured. Elesa gets taken from a fashion show. Lorelei gets captured by team rocket.


May from RSE She was doing a puzzle challenge in the Trick House but was taken advantage of by the Trick Master and is lost in his maze with more gear added on every time she heads to a dead-end. She has an armbinder and is moving between rooms trying to find the exit with the trick master taunting her and more gear ending up on her.

Dalton Lelong

Okay Sonia in her sync pair costume trying to enjoy a tea party but get tied up to her chair and go ahead with any gags and accessories you want.


Cynthia reverse bunny bound with gag by team rocket


would be lovely to see some serena from you ehe i have an idea in mind for a follow up of sorts to the recent rosa pic, featuring bunny serena also stuck as a prize for the auction going on there, shes on a leash and being forced to hop through the crowd while her new owner takes her away after having won her in the auction, jealous and perverted onlookers glare at her remarking how lucky the lady who won her is to have scored such a cute trainer and if you do pick her would absolutely love to see a tape wrap gag alt for the pic, her big fluffy hair is just begging to be pinned hehe

Hector Flores

lusamine mummified by a Cofagrigus


Green from Pokemon Adventures is always great to see. She’s got a shiny black dress that would looks great in your style. Since she’s a thief, would be fun to see a scenario where whoever she stole from turned the tables on her and tied her up tight to keep :)


Nessa is tied up and gagged in a swimsuit during a photoshoot

The Tickling Master (K. C.)

Officer Jenny trying to arrest Team Rocket and hit with chloroform bomb. Tied in a hogtie barefoot with most clothes discarded and a ballgag with a picture of her badge on it. The only clothes remaining are her hat, bra, and panties. Oh, and she's looking in anguosh at someone approaching with a feather

Bruce Mann

May with her Gen 6 outfit (preferably with topless/nude alts) On her quest to stop Team Magma, she arrives at the seafloor cavern and is immediately challenged by Admin Courtney who manages to win. With no Pokemon to defend herself, May is forced onto the stolen submarine where she is tied tightly by Courtney. As for pose, hogtied on the floor with one boob squeezed against the floor with the other fully visible showing clamps. Having one alt with Courtney with panties on and a pantyhood variant where those panties are now over May's head would be lovely. A slightly visible wet spot on the panties to show Courtney excitement with dominating her captive would be a neat touch. Could also add May's head bandana over the panties cleave gagging her. Tape wrap would also be nice. Tightly tied with rope/tape or both. Crotchrope, tied toes, Hitachi wand between her legs, nipple clamps. Ahegao variant would be epic. It would be nice with some dialogue but at the moment I can't think of anything. If this is chosen, I'll try to come up with something. Also this whole thing could be replaced with Team Aqua and Shelley. I just like Courtney a touch more. Could even be Zinnia while she was undercover.

Jessie Lockhart

Oleana from Sword & Shield Tied up with ropes and pokeballgagged either pole tied or sitting on the floor with an angry or flustered expression. It could be as a result of her still making a fuss after being defeated and the group having to subdue her to keep her from interfering further.


Roxxane from Gen 3(ORAS) . She’s a teacher I believe , so maybe after beating her gym . She has to spend some time after class , writing lines on the board while bound and gagged as a punishment for losing


No specific trainer directly, but a scenario in the ghost mansion of pokemon pearl/diamond or sun/moon would be interesting. There could be different ghost pokemon used, especially rotom as it takes possession of objects for example it could use cables as restraints, control the remote of a vibrator,....., apollos hands or the key ghost pokemon itself could also be used as restraints. Pokemon X/Y also had a ghost in the office building. Bondage with possessed office equipment would also be possible. You could represent the person during the bondage process: A flying gag in front of her, tape that wraps itself around the arms and chair back, a rope that is wrapped around the person while the office chair turns by itself, the ghost hands that turn on the remote control from the vibrator or massage the bust,.... would like to see Lusamine in the scenario. Another idea Elesa or maybe Iono in a bunny suit in pikachu design. Elesa could be presented on a very special catwalk/auction. There could be different ways to present her on a leash, tied to a pole or something else: You could use the U-shaped magnets known from magnetilo to fix her to a wall or the floor. Would have another idea but would need three trainer...

Momo Trotro

I'll present an idea I've had for a loong time, the basics is using the Pokémon box storage system as inspiration for a Pokégrill storage pic.^^ Having our chosen grill being either bound on their way to storage, or being prepared to be placed in storage. While there's plenty of "occupied" spaces around her^^ Storage bondo can be a bunch of things, Gord silos, fancy lockers, wallmounted vacbeds, & many forms of boxing style bindings, anything that keeps the damsel safe & secure! Or she can be strung up on a dolly or similar & be moved towards her final bondage destination!^^ While I'd love to say Sonia, she's been mentioned a bit already, so I'll say my chosen damsel, out of ones not mentioned yet would be Perrin from SV. But any Pokégrill can fit this idea^^


Of course still Rosa

False name

Scenario: Sonia from pokemon sword and shield is out doing some research on a newly discovered pokemon ruin. While investigating some odd markings on the cave walls she is suddenly wrapped up in a ghost like energy (possibly from a near by Runerigus). She is then suspended in the air as the ghost like energy wraps around her legs arms and chest. Rope work and gags: she would be hanging up in the air in a hog tie suspension. Her pony tail being pulled back forcing her back to arch lower and her butt to lift up. Her eyes are covered by the ghost like energy and her mouth is gagged by one of her pokeballs being used as a makeshift gag with the ghostly energy holding it in place.


I have a few but maybe I will just suggest one for now: - Lisia - Chair tied with arms behind her back. Slighly tilted angle but any angle is fine. - She got kidnapped by an obsessive fan and brought her to a bedroom, where is filled with her photos. - Chair tied with a crotch rope with her legs tied together and ankles tied to the feet of the chair. Arms behind the back and some ropes to hold her to the chair on the wrist, belly and thighs. - Ball gag (Can be substituted with a Pokeball) , Panel Gag (With/Without harness), OTN gag, Ungagged. - Blindfold, egg vibrator attached to her nipples and clitoris. - The scenario can be started with her being unconscious while being tied up. As she started waking up, the captor says "Wakey wakey, my little idol!" As she finally regain some consciousness, she start to say "Where am I, who are you?" before saying "Why I am tied up? Let me go right now!". The captor replied by saying " I am your biggest fan and that you will be staying with me forever. But don't worry, there will be videos of you recording our time together. And the first video we will start with is called: Lisia first bondage shoot." She became flustered and demanded to be released but the captor said:" Now now, there will be little presents from me to make you more compliant." He attached the egg vibrator to her nipples and her clitoris. She was embarrassed and start to struggle but the vibrator was too strong her for resist. Moments later, she became tired and the captor said:" That wasn't so hard right? Don't worry, a few more sessions like this and you will be mine forever and forever." You can add other dialogues or improve on it if you want, but I am fine with anything. - Maybe there can be pictures of her having heart eyes after she was tormented with the vibrators.


-May -Scenario: After losing to a few Rogue Pokemon champions, May gets defeated and captured for their pervy needs, but as they don't have any ropes, they use their pokemon to bind her in spider webs. After taking a few pics, they leave her there to struggle her own way out or get found by someone else.. -Simply in spider webs, can be mummified or in a regular bondage way but with webs instead of ropes (crotch-rope, chest-harness, arms behind the back, etc..) -Ball gag made from webs, Otn/Otm made from webs, face covered with webs, cleave gag with webs... -Mini-spiders teasing her sensitive spots -The dialogue could go about the kidnappers deciding her fate as they grope her helpless body and tease her. I don't have any idea of what they would say though-