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Silly Bagel, she completely forgot about the security scissors! She was way too insistant on getting herself trussed up that she didn't think about the most important part about bondage! All she can do is hop and find a way to get herself out of her room before the vibes take a toll!

This is a WIP, $10 pledgers can suggest variants!




A nice panty hood I think would be nice to see.


adorable pose for her hehe, and thats some impressive self bondage ehe <3 x tape pasties variants would look cute on her


Silly Bagel 😏 That squish tho' 👀


Ballgag and maybe give her nipple vibrator

Giorno Giovanna

She needs a big ball/otm gag in my opinion, maybe with some other vibes on her cute nipples :)))


Knowing bagel, this is probably not the first time this happens to her (and also hopefully not the last time)


taped hands maybe

Joseph Ahn

Well, the first thing is that her ball gag should return to its proper place!

Momo Trotro

Oh nooo! How clumsy^^ Looking lovely!


Always happy to see bagel tied up. Maybe a co worker could appear and find her scissors. But will cut the rope, more likely her shorts.

Nameless Netizen

A nice, tight otm gag, plus maybe a variant where she is unable to reach the scissors in time and is overcome by the vibrations?


Mouth stuffing falling out of her mouth and a tape gag coming undone/ worked off, as well as some nipple clamps


The casual/comfy outfit is a cute fit. Bagel’s hair look super pretty and poofy here too ❤️ I would suggest some panties stuffed in her mouth with some clear tape for the humiliation.


Thats some pretty incredible self bondage if she managed to do that herself. But she knows full well why it had to be so tight

Zack Morris

She definitely needs a few more vibes, I think. Would make it a lot harder for her to concentrate.