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Seems like the second winner of this month's poll is Miruko! How fitting for a character with bunny traits to be dressed in a bunny suit!

Like always, you can suggest scenarios, gag, ropework, and etc by commenting below!



Captured by midnight ;)


Perhaps have her tied to a pole to keep her from hopping around. For the gags I'd say, a ballgag with a variation with tape over it, a panel gag, and maybe a gag that involves a carrot?


A brutal shibari tie always looks good on a bunny girl. A layered OTN gag finished off with a bunny nose or carrot print on top would make it really cute. Adding some buzzing “carrots” in places would keep her hopping. :D


She got caught on purpose by the villains to find their hideout. She hid the transmitter in her rabbit tail and waits for the other heroes with whom she works with. Now bound and forced to hop around for their entertainment, she buys time for her colleagues. I suggest a box tie, leg binder, carrot-shaped bitgag and a variant with vibrators.

LustDiDHarem Art

I'd go for a classic scenario: she's suspended over a big pool full of any sort of hazardous stuff or hungry predators of any kind (crocodiles, sharks, you name it.) And this is gonna sound weird from such a rope lover as I am, but... How about using chains this time around?

Taco von Neckbeard

Panel gag or a nice ballgag would do nicely with a nice hogtie or frogtie

Pill Baxton

I suggest a tight suspension hogtie with her arms tied behind her back chick-wing style (arms bent). For gag suggestions; harness panel gag, micro foam gag, and/or carrot-style bit gag

Pill Baxton

The pool could be filled with liquid chocolate, the villains could be trying to turn her into a chocolate bunny.


She is a powerful hero, something strict like a reverse prayer-tie. She got some really nice thighs that needs to be highlighted, a spreaderbar. Something like a strappado position. when comes to gags: ballgag or a ring gag to show her still fierce mouth. then im a lover for strict bondage hood, which would look good on a girl like Miruko, let her ears pop out from that hood. a powerful magic wand vibrator that is placed between her legs, pressing against her tight suit

Achterlijk Hangbuikzwijntje

a strong legbinder and some nice leather items for the chest and arms,dont forgot to give her some nice toys