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Time to start a new game of "Tie up", this time we'll be getting our hands on both Pom Pom and Bagel!

Before we can start, we got four selective choices of outfits to start out with and it's your chance to have an impact on what they will be wearing before we start the tie up game!

Vote now!



that would be so meta to put Pom Pom the rabbit in a bunny suit hehe




we need mizugi!! Something I wanna see Bagelbomb-sensei do


If we start off with swimsuits then I don't think there will be much of a "game" to play undressing them, as opposed to having them in an outfit and starting there UwU

LustDiDHarem Art

I love this idea of yours :D :D :D I hope it turns into something cool!


Can naked be an option?

Ryan Rasconde

A tie huh? Haha does that mean theyre wearing swimsuits under their secretary outfits?


that... would be... awesome. A little bit more work to do. Just maybe replace the underwear with swimsuit I can see instead. But that is up to Bagelbomb-sensei :)