Update! (Patreon)
Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you guys are keeping yourselves safe in these times!
I would like to make some quick updates:
1. I apologize if things have been dissatisfactory this month, I haven't been able to produce content all so efficiently due to the virus and my side job, as a result, I've been feeling a bit under the weather and inadvertantly faced myself with an artblock, which is not so much fun, and frankly, very frustrating.But I hope to get through it very soon and deliver art at my best!
2. I'm also aware that these couple of months have been very difficult for many pledgers, the dollar rates are different and many people are not able to maintain themselves despite their stimulus checks. I plead to those who wish to pledge but are facing difficulties with their economy: take care of yourself and unpledge if you believe you can't hold it out for long.
3. As I got a few projects up my sleeve, I hope to finish them all off by this month, I hope I can get through this artblock, which shouldn't take that much time. But regardless, I am very grateful for your patience!
Expect Esdeath and Riskyboots soon!