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Hey guys, like all previous feedback posts, I tend to make one before we reach the end of the month. As always, I tend to ask you guys about what I can do to improve my Creator's page.

I believe this sort of constructive criticism helps me develop and improve my Patreon. As with the previous posts, I tend to ask questions, however, you may comment on any aspects that you wish I could improve. With that said:

- What do you believe I could do to improve my Patreon page?

- Do you think that each respective tier offers good benefits?

- Do you think I post enough content?

- What do you wish to see in the future that you believe would make a great addition to my Patreon?

- Do you have any other inquires?

Thank you very much! I shall start working on the Ruby picture soon, for now, I'm taking a slight rest! But expect it to be up either tomorrow or on Sunday



- What do you believe I could do to improve my Patreon page? {Not really sure, so far I think you’re Patreon is already good as is^^ - Do you think that each respective tier offers good benefits? {Yeah, I think so. - Do you think I post enough content? {I feel like there was less then usual this month, but I still think that there was a good amount, so I think that you still post more than enough content^^ - What do you wish to see in the future that you believe would make a great addition to my Patreon? - Do you have any other inquires? {I really liked the Tie Up Games that you had were we would be able to suggest and vote how the girl would be tied, gagged and etc next, so I think it would be fun if there was another one like that^^ Otherwise then that, I think your Patreon is already great as is. Thank you for all the art you make, and I’m excited to see what you make next^^ Good luck and stay safe


- you're a pretty good patreon - tiers are fine I think - content amount is good, but the more, the better - I'd love to see more soda and bagel. They're definetely my favorites


-your patreon page is pretty cool -yes each tier is fine -i think you post enough content but personally i would've liked a nude version of that ahri piece - more creative positions and predicaments as well as the interactive stuff that KingToffe mentioned like the tie up games and stuff

Ryan Rasconde

Hey Bagelbomb 1) What do you believe I could do to improve my Patreon page? -IMO just continue what you're doing. You're doing an excellent job at creating content quickly while maintaining its high quality. I greatly appreciate how you take our suggestions into consideration when you make your artwork. 2) Do you think that each respective tier offers good benefits? -I believe so. 3) Do you think I post enough content? -Absolutely. Your work is amazing and high quality. It shows how much effort you put forth into each piece of content. Thank you for that and keep up the good work! 4) What do you wish to see in the future that you believe would make a great addition to my Patreon? -I really like the tie-up games were doing with Bagel and Pom Pom. Seeing omething similar with poll/bonus characters would be cool. -Theme polls, like the bunny theme you did with Miruko during easter, would be nice. Seeing what might come of that would be something to look forward to. (I think there was a past post about this but I couldn't remember) 5) Do you have any other inquires? -Only thing that comes to mind. If possible, would you be able to add April's artwork to the May dropbox?


Hey Bagel! I'm a new supporter of yours. I am a part of the $10 tier, and you mention access to the psd files, where do I find them?


Thanks for asking, I've had a bit of a technical difficulty due to how many individual PSD's I had for each variant, and the file size for each PSD, however, I am currently trying to work around that, so do expect it either by the 31st of May or June. :)