Poll winner: Nejire Hado [BNHA] (Patreon)
2020-06-23 21:23:35
This one goes out to those who really like them feet!
As Neijire was sent to a secret underground facility to investigate, she was ambushed by several villains, as she put up a good fight, one villain managed to attach an inhibitor around her neck, effectively making her quirk useless!
As she had no way to defend herself, the villains capture and restrict her! Bound in a body suit with leather straps to ensure that she remains immobile, Neijire tries to struggle, but to no avail. However, unbeknownst to everyone, she is showing to be rather... fond of her situation as if it's something she has done in the past.
What secret is she hiding?
Only time knows when her colleagues will find and rescue her...