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Based on Thatonedude1220 's idea
A continuation of the previous Samus pic! Samus gets caught by the Space Pirates and put into a metal box and ready to get their bounty delivered!

Will she be able to escape?

Feel free to suggest anything as always!






Any further updates about the pic pack in near future?


A box? She will be so bored in there! Luckily there is still room for some fun large “accessories” with very large batteries! You might need a lot of gag layers, too. She’s known to be pretty loud!

Jason Hong

sexy bounty hunter


Is the drawing of pyra/mythra comming after this ? Just to know


Perhaps some sci fi looking gag?


Im thinking a solid metal arm binder, solid metal dildos that pin her in place even more, and chained nipple clamps that loop into the bracket on the bottom of the box, and a futuristic dildo gag, that thrusts(though the angle of her head doesnt work for that).


Thank you so much for bringing my idea to life! And on one of my favorite damsels too! Great work! If anything, I'd suggest one particularly lewd variant that does a little more than the average amount of vibes but I totally understand if that's a bit too much.