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Seems like Chapayev won the Gacha/Phone poll with Mash from F:GO being a close second!

Which means you guys get to decide which premise, scenario, restraints, situation, gags, accessories, and etc!

Simply give a detailed suggestion in the comment section!



Have you seen her “Gulag” skin? Why improve upon perfection?

David Night

Based on some pictures, maybe a chain leash keeping her anchored to a wall with tight belts or chains binding her arms behind, her thighs wrapped in the same? She definitely looks like a character who would enjoy it!

Pill Baxton

How about tying her to an anchor with lots of rope and/or chains? It’s simple, but would be fitting.


I want to see Chapayev tied to pole with a lot of rope and stronger vibes.

Panda Konnizer

Chain leash anchored to a wall, straightjacket, ball gag (preferably blue), nipple clams and legs tied with ropes or chains Variants: Ring gag Panel Blindfolded


Anything so long as stronger vibes is a variant this time around