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Seems like the Champion of Sinnoh has been caught in the web in the latest poll!

Like always, suggest restraints, gags , situation, scenarios, accessories and etc!
Suggest how you'd like it in detail! :)



Trainer ties her up with an escape rope.


Captured by team rocket lol. I know its overdone but its a classic :)


I’m not to familiar with the character, but if I remember correctly she likes to explore ruins. So while exploring ruins she stumbles upon a hidden chamber and activates a trap that mummified her in wrappings.


On her knees in a topless bodysuit with leather restrain, a collar, and for variant vibe and ring gag


Cynthia is exploring the cavern in celestic town where she is observing the cave paintings of dialga and palkia.She press a hidden stone revealing a stair case.She goes down and see Griseous orb india jones style.Then she is ambushed by Ariados spiders,and bound her body is silk.She is hopeless as the spiders pokemons lift her up and cocoon her.After she is cocooned up to her head,She is then dragged into a hidden tunel,where she slowly disappears from toe to head,and have the last image of her crying as her head pokes out of the tunnel.Disapering forever in spider silk tunnel Thats my idea


Wrapped up and gagged by the coiling vines of a grass pokemon like tangrowth!


After epic pokemon battle champion of the Sinnoh was defeated and challenging trainer wanted another reward (or just team rocket kidnapped her). She's stripped to underwear wearing armbinder, poke-ballgag, a leather collar and is kept on a leash. Add vibe and topless variant and we have another masterpiece.


Web? How about web bondage by a kinky spider with tons of web cords in the sensitive places?

Pill Baxton

Well, since you said web. She could be captured be a rival trainer using their Galvantula (https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/7/7a/596Galvantula.png/1200px-596Galvantula.png) to web her up shibari style. The spider could be tugging on a web rope on her crotch making her moan in pleasure/discomfort. She could be in underwear or lingerie. The gags could be a wrap around web gag or a web ball gag.


Theres lots of positions for Spider webs,and be unique from the standard rope bondage


Propped up/wrapped with excessive rope, which is staked down at the bottom


Would love to see her in a hobble skirt or legbinder, something of that sort