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Welcome to a new round of the monthly polls! This time, we will focus on the less fortunate characters that did not hit the spotlight, so to put us all in an even position, the 15 least voted characters in the previous poll will be selected for this poll!

As always, you simply vote for the character you wish appear in the next pic!

Happy voting!


Jon Whitehead

This is great. It helps some under represented characters get some love. Thank you for all your hard work!


Gotta give my gratitude to you guys! I want to make sure that everyone gets the best out of my Patreon, so I should honestly thank you guys more <3


Stocking (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧


Stocking absolutely 👌


I would low-key always vote for monster girls


android 18 is so close omg gahhhh


as usual, i vote for the only character on the list I recognize


Really like this idea, keeps things much more interesting! Just bummed that Dorothea made that middle ground in the original poll, there's always next time though!


Wait what, Juvia is actually winning? I have to think about good suggestion. But it's just kinda sad that you didn't drew FE girl on Patreon yet.


I really like this idea, making voting poll for the rest or that didnt go well in favor. Possible for characters that have made to poll a few times, but never made it far?


Wish Tsunade got closer