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Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of inactivity, I have been sort of burnt out with after some of the updates and had a pretty messed up sleeping schedule as a result. :')
For now I'm just taking a few days to recover, but expect some stuff before the month's end!

I apologize for the inconvenience!



Take some time and recover. We'll still be here

Sean Patrick

That's okay man, don't push yourself too hard!

Alexander Cebulla

Totally understand the sleep schedule. Take what time you need to take care of you. We'll still be here.

Layla McNeil

Of course take your time, hope your next pic that comes out has a cutie in a tight choker and or collar on her neck ;3 Your pucs have been amazing keep up the great work and get plenty of rest.


Woow no worries. You have been extremely active with updates and content. Make sure to rest and also spend some time with your wife. Your private life is important also. I do understand you have fans that contribute on Patreon, this is a hard balance. Hope you can find it.


you posted on Monday haha. if anything don’t end up overworking yourself for our sakes. relax and enjoy