Update (lack of activity) (Patreon)
Hey guys!
I apologies for the lack of content, I feel like it's important to update you guys about current events
I had recently suffered from sudden backpains that rendered me incapable of working on the updates. This put me in a relatively stressful position as I wanted to finish things for patreon before the tumbleweed starts to roll. I honestly believe that you guys are the backbones behind every content I make, so I do not wish to leave you guys in the dark.
Second, My wife and I have been preparing for a long-haul flight to her parents, where we will spend the next two months at. While this is not a problem keeping up with Patreon, it just means I wont be able to post anything new until the 16th. Once we arrive, I will set up everything and resume working with the updates!
So I apologize for the inconvenience. :((
Good news is that I will definitely finish the Shion and Futaba pic before this month's end and work more efficiently once we arrive!
Thank you so much for your patience! I love you guys ♡