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Hiya guys! I hope you're all well! I just wanna say that things are running smoothly and I wish to provide you guys with everything as soon as possible.

However, this is why I needed your attention. I have been thinking for awhile, and I've noticed that I've taken my art into a different level, which means that it takes longer to finish. Furthermore, I've noticed that the variants I provide for each update take quite a while to complete, so my solution is that I post the finished version and return with variants in a day or two. BUT, I know that bondage can't be complete without different variants, so that's why I'm on the fence about this.

So to my question!
Do you believe I should post the variants together with the finished version (takes a bit longer to finish) or do you think you can wait a day or two for the variants (this way I can post the picture earlier)?


Guardianofbrooklyn (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 19:22:57 Dont worry I can wait
2021-07-27 19:22:57 Dont worry I can wait
2021-07-27 19:22:57 Dont worry I can wait
2020-09-25 18:16:35 Dont worry I can wait

Dont worry I can wait


My one concern would be if you left the variants hanging for a really long time while you went to work on other things but if that wasn't the case, I'd be all for posting them separate!