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Time for another round of the monthly fanart poll! Due to the enormous list of characters, two polls will be made: The first poll with most liked characters and the second with characters that did not make it this round. So do not worry if your character does not appear in this poll, they will appear in the next later this month!

Losers' chance poll: The ten least voted characters from each monthly poll [Not including theme poll] will have their own poll at the ond of the month!
- Only one character per franchise (For example: If two Fire Emblem characters appear, only the one with most likes will be chosen)
- If the character appears too young, I will not include it out of precaution.
- Characters that have already won within these 6 months will not be included
Good luck!


Jimmy Whistles

Ash and Sinon for 2nd and third!


A21 gang reporting in

Gregory Hardin

Isuzu Sento and Akeno for my second and third picks. :)


Nami and Tsunade for my second and third


my other votes go to Rosalina and Primrose!

Jon Whitehead (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 20:48:08 Weiss and Aqua.
2020-09-28 23:51:52 Weiss and Aqua.

Weiss and Aqua.