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We haven't had a theme poll since two months back, so what better than to kick off this month with one? 
This time, we'll go with sports uniforms! 
Q: "But Bagel, 'sports uniform' is a pretty broad term, what does it encompass?" 
A: "Well.. anything! It can be bloomers, tights, w/e, you name it! As long as it looks good in ropes!"
So let's get down to business:

Simply suggest a character you wish to see in the Theme poll!

The Poll will open at 12:00 am CST

- Try to choose a character that does not appear to be underage. (Lolis are strictly prohibited)
- if the physical appearance is not far from maturity, I will age up the character.
- One character per franchise, if two characters from the same franchise appear, the second one will be disregarded.
The duo poll winner pic will be out later this month!



Hoshimachi Suisei from Hololive.


Iris from Pokémon in Spanky pants... I’m telling you that’s where it’s at. Like girls volleyball player pants. 👌


Maki Oze from "Fire Force" wearing a crop top and yoga pants~


Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil 1, you know the classic Basketball outfit

Panda Konnizer

Shimizu Kyoko from Haikyuu Manager outfit or Karasuno volleyball club outfit

wong dong

Natsuno Minami from 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim


Megumin in a gym outfit!


Megumin is sort of a tough choice due to Patreon policies :( Perhaps you have another character in mind?


akeno himejima from highschool dxd in the tennis outfit, https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Akeno_Himejima/Anime_Gallery?file=User209324_pic43571_1332271520.jpg although i did notice that the duo pole is coming soon so i could suggest her and rias in their tennis outfits then :) if so ill choose another


Malon from Zelda in a horse jockey outfit. Guarentee nobody but me will like it but oh well.


Seconding this. Ref image can be found here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6IkfGsUcAI1DQh.jpg


Byleth (female) from Fire Emblem in a swimsuit?


True Kagura in her “Race Queen Kagura” outfit from Senran Kagura https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D14D21NWsAAFmiJ.jpg


Fumika Sagisawa-Idolmasters cinderella girls https://www.project-imas.com/w/images/d/d7/Fumika_SR10%2B.jpg


https://www.pinterest.com/pin/158329743119690315/ Haruko Haruhara in her baseball uniform?


I think Iris may be too young, is it possible if you could suggest another character? Sorry for the inconvenience.


Saegusa Mayumi from Mahouka in her tennis uniform! https://imgur.com/a/VJ130gW


Ruka Sarashina from Rent-a-girlfriend in a bloomer


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/senkizesshousymphogear/images/0/01/Tsubasa%27s_Clasual_XDU_Art_V2_Art.png/revision/latest?cb=20180606122353 Tsubasa Kazanari from symphogear, wearing the PE uniform of Lydian Academy (even tho she doesnt go there anymore after season 2) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/senkizesshousymphogear/images/8/8a/Miku_in_her_P.E._Class_Outfit.png/revision/latest?cb=20190926023214


Would Aki Izayoi from Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds in her turbo duel outfit count? https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/0/0f/Akiza_in_her_runner_suit.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120404010637

Ryan Rasconde

Oooo theme polls huh? I'd say Reno from Azur Lane. She's got a really cute cheerleader outfit https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/w/images/c/cc/RenoSport.png


Maybe Fumina Hoshino from Gundam Build Fighters Try? https://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/39770-151048765.jpg

Joseph Cook

How about Kumbhira from Granblue Fantasy in something like a cheerleader outfit? Failing that, lewd baseball/softball uniforms can be really cute too


kasen ibaraki from touhou, her outfit and proportions fit your style~ https://ne-np.facebook.com/LaCasaDeOniiSama02/posts/creator-marotasource-seiganicovideojpmaterial-touhoucharacters-patchouli-knowled/896013790865539/


In this theme i would rather choose Maria in her training outfit from AZX opening.


Lucy Heartfillia from Fairy Tale in whatever outfit she has that is sporty lol.