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Back from my trip! Here's the winner of the last poll! Incidentally, the first fire emblem character to have won a poll, haha! 

Byleth seems to be undergoing some disciplinary... lectures.. so to speak!

  • If you guys wish to throw your idea for a dialogue, go right ahead! I always love the ideas you guys have!
  • Feel free to suggest gags, accessories and etc!



Panda Konnizer

"Its Time For The Teacher To Learn A Lesson...Or Two"


I think a ball and ring gag would fit nicely, with some vibe versions as well^^


Panthie in the face and Gag OTN


Maybe Rhea wearing a gag alongside Byleth

Gregory Hardin

An OTM/OTN or a cleave gag would be nice to see.


I like the idea of the dialogue being playful teasing between a significant other and a pouty sub


Suggest OTM , OTN gag ,Tape gag.


I'm always a fan of playful teasing dialogue between a dominant and submissive. I'd also love to see a microfoam gag from you--I don't know if you've ever done one before, or if you have it's been a long time!


“Now then Byleth, let’s focus on upping that Defense stat!”


For some reason I see a bamboo bit gag. Like what Nezuko has.


You can add little icon in left up corner signaling increase support with Rhea.


The picture *needs* this, whatever the dialogue ends up being.


From that position its be great to see a armbinder "pouch" style (I have no idea what its actually called sorry) I think it was the same thing u did with darkness in the previous reward even if its just a variant ;) Also how about a blindfold and ball, ring and a panel gag ;)


I'm with JollyDave here. It could even be a normal leather armbinder if it's not too much trouble. But of course, ballgag and blindfold would be nice


I'd like to see a regular leather armbinder but it'd probably be too much trouble


Blindfold and gag of any kind would be cool


I'd love if you could take off the sandals if it's not too much trouble ;)


panel gag :)


I know that this dialogue is not a masterpiece, but at least it can inspire someone. Picture 1 Byleth: Lady Rhea, do you really know how to teach flying? Seteth and Manuela taught me more traditional methods. Rhea: Professor, would you doubt me? I know how to fly like no one else, and I think you gotta temper your butt first. Byleth: B-But I already have a lot of experience in this matter, I'd like to learn something new. Rhea: Shhh professor you need to strengthen the foundations first. Picture 2 Byleth: Ugh Rhea: Ara ara you're struggling to much, professor. I'm afraid I have to bind you a little more. Byleth: Eh? Picture 3 Rhea: Now look at you. You are so polite and obedient, a real example for the students. Byleth: Hmpf Rhea: You did so well that you deserve a special reward. Byleth: Mmpfh Picture 4: Rhea: I can see that you like the toys. I will leave you alone with them for you to enjoy. Byleth: Nghh


Rhea's panties pulled over her face might be nice!


I should probably go play Three Houses and get to know the characters better before I suggest a specific dialogue but a general idea for the scenario (and some others seem to have the same idea) could be Byleth getting tricked into it. She's told that this is some sort of training and Byleth is pissed and demands to be let go once she feels it goes too far. This of course only prompts lady Rhea to gag her and add even more bindings. It'd be nice to see Rhea tease Byleth and be generally kinky as it becomes clearer and clearer what her plans are. If you do decide to go with my pantyhood idea Rhea could be punishing Byleth for being so difficult to teach. Finally, Rhea is determined to turn that frown upside down and leaves Byleth with some vibrators, saying that she's going to invite some of the others in to join in the "lesson" and play with her. Great seeing a Fire Emblem character from you! Hope to see more in the future!


I like the idea of Byleth managing to maintain a degree of stoicism throughout her lewd ordeal despite Rhea's palpable delight, right up until the mistress drops her "why don't we invite some of the students in" bomb which finally shatters Byleth's composure.


If you are seriously considering playing this game, I recommend choosing the Golden Deer house at the first time.

Layla McNeil

This one looks like it's gonna be a winner :3. You should draw a pic of Aguri from Gamers, she's super cute and would look even better in your style, and in bondage ;3


It'd be super cool if Byleth actually got paddled in one of the frames