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Whew.... that poll was intense! Who would known that Ochako and Erza would've managed and equal amount of votes! 

We'll start with Erza first! Ochako Uraraka will come later this month! I still got the Persona 5 pic to finish after all!


Suggest a bondage situation that would be fitting for Erza! Here's what you can suggest:

- Poses
- Scenario (How did she get tied up?)
- Ropework (Like hogties, frogties and etc)
- Gags
- Uniform
- Accessories and misc (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Anything you have in mind!

Simply suggest your ideas below!



Please do something from movie, either her celestial armor or the her bunny outfit working in the bar. If it the first one u could have her captured by Swan the enemy female she fights in that armor, Swan is very proud of her abilities and believe she is unrivaled in beauty (could be why she took erza out of the picture ;) or the bunny one could be she gets given the wrong info and gets captured by generic goons (she's supposed to be incognito getting info in that scene ;) ) For gags the usual ball ring panel etc For a pose, definitely think she would suit a frogtie and armbinder Dialogue could be her acting proud and demanding to be released or her friend are going to save her Also it would be ashame if those big melons weren't displayed Celestial armor https://www.deviantart.com/krazykamikaze44/art/Erza-Scarlet-15-794820207 Bunny suit https://www.deviantart.com/berg-anime/art/Erza-Scarlet-Bunny-Fairy-Tail-Dragon-Cry-757700563 Can't wait for this one :D Also sorry for long post


Frog tied as a bunny girl forced to spread her legs for the viewer with the usual tight ropes around her chest and crotch. A lewd/embarrassed expression with multiple gag options and toys works well.


Bunny suit involved anything else works for me


The plot doesn't have to be especially complicated. Erza used the summon armor skill to bind herself. As for her appearance, she can wear something made of leather and wear an armbinder. Her powers can give you a lot of options so you can let your imagination run wild. If she had to talk to someone, Mira or Jellal would suit. And you could use more toys like hitachi for example.

billy bon

could there be a tape gag where her captor leaves a kiss mark on it :)


hmm how about she takes on a job escorting a wagon but the twist is that she's the one pulling the wagon. like a pony play sorta thing.

Brandon Barger

Maybe she gets captured by those demons from one of the last seasons. They chain her to a dungeon wall, completely spread out, and slowly start peeling off her armor. Maybe they have a device that forces her to change armors so she can be forced into the bunny costume.


Erza in the bunny suit waitress outfit. Maybe in this situation :https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4041505


Definitely the bunny suit from the FairyTail Dragon Cry movie, maybe a undercover intel gone wrong mission? Gets captured by the bat owner after being found out as a spy and is now going to be put on display as an attraction to the bar while being bound and gagged. I’m thinking a frog tie with a big ball gag