Bondage Scenario: Erza Scarlet (Patreon)
2020-11-30 15:44:29
2020-11-30 15:46:20
Whew.... that poll was intense! Who would known that Ochako and Erza would've managed and equal amount of votes!
We'll start with Erza first! Ochako Uraraka will come later this month! I still got the Persona 5 pic to finish after all!
Suggest a bondage situation that would be fitting for Erza! Here's what you can suggest:
- Poses
- Scenario (How did she get tied up?)
- Ropework (Like hogties, frogties and etc)
- Gags
- Uniform
- Accessories and misc (Vibes, clamps and etc)
- Dialogues (If you have an idea for a good script, I'll use it!)
- Anything you have in mind!
Simply suggest your ideas below!