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While I finish the next poll winner pic, I'm opening up a new bondage suggestion post!

I'm a big sucker for Genshin girls, and I've longed for Ganyu, so this is the perfect opportunity for us to think of a way to tie her up!
Here's what you can suggest:

- Poses and angles
- Premise/Scenario
- Ropework (Bunny rope, Hogties, frogties. hopping, suspension and etc)
- Gags
- Accessories
- Dialogues/Script
- Misc

Simply suggest your ideas by commenting below! Try to be as detailed as possible! :)

The Asuna x Suguha pic will be up by tomorrow! Thanks for your patience!



Ganyu gets ambushed by Hilchurls while still weakened after fighting a strong monster. Paimon is put in a sack. Tied to a pole she is stripped down to her pantyhose layer with anything in the way removed. A brutally tight shibari tie follows with an intricate chest harness and biting crotch rope. Her cries are quieted by a large dildo-ball gag. The Hilchurls are enjoying the show, but decide to use a smooth crystal dildo they found that they tie horizontally under the front of her crotch rope that vibrates vigorously. Her pleasured mewls are annoying enough to warrant a layered OTN gag to keep her quiet and avoid attention. The Hilchurls are not quiet, and a strong monster hears their "party" and chases them off. The poor girl is left alone, bound and gagged forced to endure the relentless vibrations as she slips into pleasured madness and she can only hope for rescue. :) Dialogue: "Get your monster hands off me! I refuse to submit to this shameful treatment like the other girls!" Paimon can just be spouting some heroic nonsense saying she'll "save" her. Plenty of hilchurl speak and lots of moaning. :D


I see Aurum mentioning a brutally tight shibari tie on a pole, so why not try something like this: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80789788 The reverse-prayer is definitely very thorough and the poles make it seems like the victim is on display, which fits quite nicely into the "captured by some barbarians" scenario. I think it would be nice to see you try some new rope work methods from time to time.

Viewer 101

Anything as long as she gets a wedgie.☕


Traveler (Girl) ties Ganyu up to give her some relaxing time from work. So she ties her to a pole in a room. Maybe some dialouge with the Travler saying You need to rest up. Let m show you how. Im not best with bondage description so i thought of a situation only ^^;

Joseph Cook

I see someone already suggested giving ganyu a little break from work, so I’ll suggest the opposite. As the loyal secretary to the qixing, and total pushover, Ninggaung could easily pressure Ganyu into helping her with an ‘art piece’ that ends up being Ganyu herself in some exotic shibari put on display for liyue. Her movements in combat are very pretty and flowing like figure skating, so maybe inspiration from that for the pose

Joseph Cook

Perhaps a suspension would be the best for a cute public display piece? There are some very talented riggers IRL who can do crazy things with suspensions, with poses almost like ballet moves, or like I said, ice skating. Her being stripped down to just her leotard/bodystocking would match the look great too!