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Hey guys! I would like to thank everyone for showing so much love for Soda and Bagel! Soda and Bagel started me out in my bondage adventure and are an essential part to who I am and what I draw! However! I've been thinking a lot about what will happen in the future, and as you guys saw, the latest pic was... something new from me! But I don't wish to make my supporters feel burdened by the extra lewd stuff, because many of you follow me for the good ol' DiD bondage stuff! So I wish to ask you guys:

For any future art that has considerable amount of lewd, do you wish for me to tag the post?

Now for something different! It's no lie that many of you have been eagerly waiting for a Bagel comic and I promise you that the next big milestone is for me to make one! I've been discussing with a friend (who shares Soda with me) and my wife about future ideas, and I've finally come to a premise! If nothing hinders me from working on the comic, I believe that it should be done by Summer! However, I have yet to determine the actual amount of pages, but I believe that the comic will be short at first. Depending on how successful the comic is, I will take the Bagelverse to the next level! I will post each page individually, and I will keep you guys updated!

In the meantime, here's the theme of the comic: Office work and hidden bondage with Bagel!

What do you wish to see in the comic? Let me know!



If you approve, I could write a crossover fic featuring those two with my goddess OCs.


Omg cant wait for the comic. Really love the direction your art has been going in as well!

Brandon Barger

Personally, I don't have any problems with it being tagged or not. It's all the same to me. My entire Patreon isn't safe to open at work. I would love to see more stuff like that though.


For the hidden office bondage with bagel, I think it’d be very interesting to see a reverse prayer tie. Will the comic have like dialogue bubbles and stuff? I write a lot of dialogue for bondage stuff, so I could always help if needed! Keep up the good work! Loved the Tamaki post!


I love the bagel and soda pic and would love to see more of them. Whatever you do, I'll be here to follow and support


It is possible! Though the comic will focus more on Bagel as she has a turtleshell bondage dressed underneath her office attire. What happens after that? Well, we'll see! ;) Also, thank you for volunteering! The friend who shares Soda with me will be writing the story together with me! :D


I think the comic has great potential judging by the title and the theme. I guess just be sure to include cute outfits :D


The bondage DiD stuff is already pretty lewd so I'm not sure if it really needs a separate tag, but thinking about it I know that have a tag for the naughty downstairs bits might be useful for some people. I love Bagel, Pom, and Soda and would love to see them more often as well as the lewder stuff, but I just really appreciate your high quality bondage artwork. I feel like its hard to find good bondage artwork that gets updated regularly that focuses on the bondage


Exactly, either that or penetration, which is something I normally don't draw! Hence, why I don't want people to feel uncomfy about it


I don't think it needs to be tagged, personally. The comic theme sounds great! I would like to see lesbian/yuri content in it.


Office bondage and hidden stuff? Well. I feel like under the desk bondage is just the logical endpoint of both of those. Also I feel like your stuff is already so NSFW that additional tags aren't needed. But it's your call. Please keep up the spectacular work!


Tbh I'm happy with the current way things are. If u were to do a lewd tag I would be fine with it either way. Look forward to a comic though should be interesting :)


I’d personally prefer the more explicit/nude work to be tagged, although it’d be fine if it wasn’t! As an aside: do you plan on doing more with Soda? Hyped for the comic!


Oh absolutely! Soda is an important character as are Paprika and Pom Pom! However, I would say that Soda and Bagel are the main duo :>


I cant wait for the new comic! absolutely adore your characters - so I'm always happy to see them in any scenario! Which actually leads me to a question of my own, are you comfortable with fanart of your characters? I would love to draw something for you!


The picture was a surprise at first, but I find that both types as you paint have their respective charm. Something also costs overcoming, or better expressed you go further ahead. As long as you do not feel forced to do anything, it's fine. I can't speak for everyone, so it might make sense to tag the post. I would be happy if places and objects from the office everyday life are used (presentation room, broom closet, kitchen, under the desk, copier, office chair, elevator, books, coffee mug, maybe you use bagels as a gag ...) or interesting scenarios like a special service or hide and seek with ropes in the office.


This isn't so much about the lewd stuff, I don't mind the tagging, my question is about the p5 piece: what is your status on that one or you decided not to finish? I'm just curious


Personally It was a surprise to see that appear but you really did a great job with it! It does not bother me if it is tagged separately or not. It was your art style that attracted me here and I am excited to see where this bus takes me! (Every poll I pray Android 18 gets some of your attention though LOL)


I will gladly take the extra lewd any day of the week


Loved the newest artwork. A question related to the comic; is pom pom gonna be in it? Cuz uf she is, she'd totally have to be soda and bagels' boss, who perhaps catches them both while in the act? Who knows, either way, this is very exciting


Oooh a comic sounds lovely! I'll be looking forward to that when it comes around. As for the super-spicy explicit stuff, I'd personally like it to have its own tag, but it's not a big deal if you don't. I love your classic DiD/bondage art, but your art is your art, so you should go about it however you want! :)


Yes( ._.) I don't mind the lewd art.


Just a suggestion, but i do know a creator that does mostly lewd art. And to get around patreon what they do is have a discord server where patreons can access a drive link that is changed every two weeks. It may be something worth doing.


I love lewd stuff. I'd love it if you escalated the lewd stuff of your characters, and it wouldn't have any negative impact on how much I like your content.


Well I like lewds in bondage, but I don't see anything bad from tagging it too. So office bondage huh? Maybe to make a start of how it all began?


Personally I like your lewd content, but also see no issue with the tags. as for the theme, would be interesting to see the difference between office hours (and the hidden bondage happening around the office) and the night hours( probably moving to a more open bondage in the office?)


Soda is more of a NEET, while Bagel is more professional- Pom Pom will appear :)


No problem with that, i love your lewd content


“Hidden bondage” I hope that means gags under masks :)


Oh, without a doubt! And Bagel will definitely have a good excuse to have a facemask too!


Hello I've been dead but I rise from the grave to say stuff briefly Me thinks you should do what you want to do the way ya wanna do it, just don't overexert yourself ok? It's also good to get feedback from your audience but always remember doing what you enjoy doing is the most important thing, don't feel forced to draw something if you don't really feel like it, and take as long as ya need That being said, the recent lewd stuff with Bagel has been delicious yes and I'd like more. Again, do what you enjoy doing, but I do know some people come specifically for the DiD stuff so maybe tagging wouldnt hurt?


Tag it please :) Not a fan of the sausages Im afraid. Im going to be honest and say I am a bit dissapointed that some of the art is taking this direction, as long as it isn't the only thing you post its all good <3


"Disappointed" is kind of a harsh way to put it as it implies that artists have to reach up to certain expectations. However, if people don't personally like it, then there's always a compromise to make sure that both sides are catered. But yeah, "disappointed" is not the proper choice of words you should use, friend

Emil Scherbe

I personally don't like explicit sexual stuff, but I don't mind if you keep the classic DID art in parallel

The Real Mimir

Hidden bondage, like the classic "tied up under overcoat with fake arms in sleeves"? Chaste belts locking in all sorts of girl-teasing devices underneath short skirts?


I like the lewd! I like the good ol DID! I like it all! Im not sure what it means to tag the post but im sure it wouldent be a problem

Burst Zen

Love lewd Bondage art, not a lot of good lewd bondage artists to my knowledge and I definently approve of your work~ for those who dont like any male genitalie you could always consider Lesbian explicit scenes as an alternative!~